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Hi, I raised a SR regarding this issue and they have given me a solution. Here it is; --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WITH pending_goals AS (SELECT EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (itemrow), '*/GoalEORow/PersonId/DATA' ) person_id, EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (itemrow),…
Hi Syed, As I mentioned above, the errors are occurred when I am trying view data in the data model. In other words when I am trying to run the report. It happens when following part of the query tries to read the data_cache column; TABLE (XMLSEQUENCE (XMLTYPE ('<root>' || td.data_cache || '</root>').EXTRACT…
Hi Dimple, Will do. Regards, Dhanuka
Hi Sandeep, There must have been an issue in the excel template, because after we re-created it, it worked without a problem. Anyhow thank you very much for the information regarding the template viewer. Regards, Dhanuka
Hi Sandeep, As you know the row limit of a .xls file is 65536 and after that data will split across multiple sheets. The column headers in my excel template (Person Number, Full Name, Company, etc.) will not be repeating in these sheets. Herein I have attached my excel template as you requested. Regards, Dhanuka