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Hamd Salman-Oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter


  • Hello Mani, Please go tough below mentioned document and follow the steps of solution only if you have RPD backup or try and export service instance for a possibility to get RPD recovered: OBIEE 12c: OBI Server (obis1, nqsserver) Crashes On Start After Online Repository (RPD) Updates (Doc ID 2124489.1) Hope you have backup…
  • Hello Md. Budrul Hasan Bhiuyan, Please find below steps to Vertically Scale out OBIPS Component: a) Take a backup of your user_projects folder as a safety measure before proceeding ahead with below steps. b) Navigate to following location <ORACLE HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin and run command ./wlst.sh c) Then execute…
  • Hi Neethu, Please refer below document and see if it helps resolve your issue: How To Configure OBIEE To Generate A Single SQL Query Instead Of Multiple Queries. (Doc ID 1506188.1) Mark this answer as correct if it helps !!! Thanks