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My use case for Presentation variables is to use a common column (ex. Project Number) that exists in say Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable to filter visualizations from the two different subject areas with a single common column in a prompt/filter. We can do this seamlessly with classic dashboard but not in DV. Will…
Hi Sumanth, Thanks for your response. I did check system settings to see if it needed to be enabled, but there is no setting for this. I will open an SR. Thank you.
This is great! Thank you!
Here's the SQL statement I used for converting from UTC to US Central: FROM_TZ(CAST(etl_start_date AS TIMESTAMP ), 'UTC' ) AT TIME ZONE 'US/Central' as etl_start_date_local Hope this helps.
Hi Ben. Thank you so much! I did look at the roadmap, but missed that entry.
Hi Christian, Is this something that is on the roadmap? If so, any idea when it will be released?
Hi Christian, Is this something that is on the roadmap? If so, any idea when it will be released?
This is great news, Gabby! Thank you!
Hi Gabby, Thank you for the update. I agree, adding the ability to create an expression filter from the '+' button makes sense. Now if we can bring back the ability to right-click a filter in the filter bar to bring up the context menu for actions such as disable filter, enable filter, clear filter selections, delete,…
That's great news Gabby, thanks for the update! Jay