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You have the data model in edit mode. Add the new data set there. There are no parameters in this data model. Rgds, Kevin
You should post this question with the HCM team in Cloud Customer Connect. Rgds, Kevin
BI Publisher REST APIs are not available in Fusion Applications at this time. You can use the web services. Fusion Application BI Publisher (BIP) : Available Public Webservices in Fusion Applications (Doc ID 2086077.1). Rgds, Kevin
You can use the web services. Fusion Application BI Publisher (BIP) : Available Public Webservices in Fusion Applications(Doc ID 2086077.1). Rgds, Kevin
Please post this question in the CCC for Fusion Applications. Rgds, Kevin
You are welcome. Kevin
Please post this question in Cloud Customer Connect. Rgds, Kevin
See: Rgds, Kevin
In the schedule job form, put {$SYSDATE()+1$} in the parameter field. This will be evaluated at each run. Rgds, Kevin
Trouble shoot the Bursting query, is it returning valid delvery datasets? Does the layout work with the bursting subset of data (split-by)? Rgds, Kevin