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Hi Gianni, SSO is by default enabled in OBI version, and this is the main cause of the issue for which report url prompts for login credentials. in older version of OBI i.e. SSO is not enabled by default and it allows to create the guest user which help to call the report url without prompting for the…
Hi Gianni, SSO is by default enabled in OBI version, and this is the main cause of the issue for which report url prompts for login credentials. in older version of OBI i.e. SSO is not enabled by default and it allows to create the guest user which help to call the report url without prompting for the…
Hi Christian, would request if you can run through the uploaded document and give your views and suggestion, will be very helpful to resolve the issue. since it is a struggle to resolve this, seeking help in this. regards Manoj
Hi Christian, point noted.. attached is the document covering all the screen from where it stars and the screen where it prompts for the login id password to open the report. regards Manoj
Hi Gianni, i am not fully aware of the OBI as i am getting used it now, so need details on how to over come this issue. like have mentioned, we are using business application from where the report button is clicked and it will open the separate window of report url, this is when it prompts for credentials. as per the…
Hi Gianni, SSO is by default enabled in OBI version, and this is the main cause of the issue for which report url prompts for login credentials. in older version of OBI i.e. SSO is not enabled by default and it allows to create the guest user which help to call the report url without prompting for the…
Hi, opening of the report should not prompt for login credentials, this behavior is happening only in version of BI Regards Manoj