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Hi Ashish, Thanks for the link. It is working good. But how we are fetching the Old Action name,Old BU, Old department etc in that report? Are we using any condition for this? If you are aware of that, please share your knowledge Thanks Nirmal Kumar
Ok Ashish. Thank you
Sorry for the delay. Attached the XML below Thanks, Nirmal Kumar
I image file I attached is in pivot table only Ashish. Thanks, Nirmal kumar
Thanks Ashish for your suggestion. Please find the attached output file below.
Hi Ashish, Thanks for your quick response. I tried this method but it is not working. If you are aware of it, can you explain it? Thanks, Nirmal Kumar
Hi Guys, Thanks for your reply. I am done with this requirement. Below are the steps which I followed to achieve this. 1. First create 2 or more data sets in data model 2. After creating Data model(DM) create report. 3. While creating report, Drag all the columns from first data set and then click page break to separate…
select distinct per.person_number ter_person_number, pos.actual_termination_date ter_actual_termination_date, s.manager_id ter_manager_id, mgr_num.person_number ter_manager_number, per.person_id ter_person_id, mgr_name.DISPLAY_NAME ter_manager_name, mgr_adid.attribute3 ter_mgr_adidfrom per_periods_of_service pos,…