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Satya Ranki Reddy Rank 2 - Community Beginner


  • Hi, Follow below link you will get what your looking. http://obieeil.blogspot.in/2013/08/obiee-and-time-series-calculations-in.html Thanks, Satya Ranki Reddy
  • Enable usage tracking , You will get all obiee users lists and you can build dashboard. Setting up Usage Tracking in Oracle BI 11g Follow above link to enable. Thanks, Satya Ranki Reddy
  • Thanks for your response. I have gone through this like but didn't get much. Can you answer below questions. Does it need to do any configuration (Enhance Usage Tracking ) ? How to identify Mobile users in presentation log ? Can you please elaborate little bit. Thanks, Satya
  • Hi, Try to user web url image link. I have tested long back please try your end. Ex:- <a href='http://postimage.org/' target='_blank'><img src='http://s24.postimg.org/smp500or5/satya.png' border='0' alt="satya" /></a> Entire tool wise follow below link :- SATYA RANKI REDDY OBIEE SOLUTIONS Thanks, Satya Ranki Reddy
  • Hi, Follow below link. you may resoled your issue. TIMESTAMPS and Presentation Variables - Rittman Mead Consulting Thanks, Satya Ranki Reddy