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Hi Pranjal, Greetings for the day. I have checked the reported point brought by you & found that this info already exists in the OTBI Recruiting - Recruiting Real-Time SA. I have attached the screenshot. Could you please check & revert back?
Hi Subham, I think it can be doable, can you give some more insights about the requirement + the report catalog? I can give it a try.
Hi Trent, Glad to hear it worked for you & happy to help you. Regards, Sovi
Hi Trent, Please follow the below steps, Add a new column to the analysis (It can be any column from the subject area) Click the Properties button & then click on Edit formula Copy & paste the expression which I have provided as per the below screenshot (i.e SUBSTRING('450.100.16300.7500002.000.00000' FROM 5 FOR 3)…
Hi Trent, If your Segment 1 & Segment 2 lengths are 3 (as per the samples provided) then you can use the below expression in an analysis column SUBSTRING('450.100.16300.7500002.000.00000' FROM 5 FOR 3) **Replace '450.100.16300.7500002.000.00000' with the actual column name. If the Segment 1 & Segment 2 lengths are…
Hi Trent, Is Segment 2 = 100 in this COA --> Please confirm.
Hi Nicolas_Trojack, You can use Substring/Instring (and maybe some other pre-defined ) function to extract Segment 4 from COA. Let me know if you have any samples, maybe I can come up with an expression. Regards, Sovi
You are welcome Trent. Let me know if you need any help in extracting the Division ID/Code from the Concatenated Segment. Happy to help you. Regards, Sovi
Hi Trent, I am not an OTBI Finance expert but with my very limited knowledge what I know is that in the Chart of Account concatenated segments the Division ID/Code should be present if it is defined in your COA. Maybe you can extract it by writing a substring/Instring function expression. I am not 100 % sure about the info…