Jan 2024: I still don't see anything related to download-related fine-grained permissions :( . Not sure why it is marked as delivered.
Have you tried using 'Choice List Values' as SQL Results? in the prompt itself. And have the SQL with restricted values ...Here is one sample example: instead of showing all year values from date dimension. I am showing only years that logged in user created an SR. SELECT "Time"."Year" FROM "Service - CRM Service Requests…
How about recording browser actions then replay when needed.
SUBSTRING("Worker"."Primary National Identifier Number" FROM LENGTH("Worker"."Primary National Identifier Number")-3 FOR 4)
If you are looking from front end only how about advanced SQL select b.s_1, a.s_1,a.s_2,a.s_3 from (SELECT "Your Subject Area"."Procedure Date" s_1, "Your Subject Area"."Report Date" s_2, "Your Subject Area"."Procedure Number" s_3, FROM "Your Subject Area" ) A, (select "Date Dimension"."Date" s_1 FROM "Your Subject Area")…
The above logic will repeat the rows. Calender Date Procedure Date Report Date Procedure number 1/1/20191/1/20195/1/20191234562/1/20191/1/20195/1/20191234563/1/20191/1/20195/1/20191234564/1/20191/1/20195/1/20191234565/1/20191/1/20195/1/2019123456 If you are looking to populate Report Date to the last record then have a…
How about complex join with Date Dimension Understanding Complex Join and Physical Join in OBIEE ~ Best Way To Understand BI and Data Visualization And How Everyth… Date_Dim.Date >= Procedure_Date and Date_Dim.Date <= Reported_Date
Hi Christian & Gianni Thank you for the suggestions, I will consider whatever I can. Prior to the upgrade, this dirty SQL uses to complete in less than 2 mins or so, now taking more than 20mins hence we are killing the SQL on the database. I have compared DB "Features" on both versions they match identically. Also, I have…
Yes, it matches. SELECT * FROM v$version; Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Hi Christian, I have compared post deployed RPD's and I see everything as identical. Database Type : Oracle 12c on Exadata Thank you,Srini
Could you please provide further details on your environment. a) If you have bigip ....may be re-direct it to maintenance page. b) If you have OHS server ...then bring down services on OHS ...still OBIEE operations can performed in parallel. coming to elaborate/clarify part: how you are doing authentication and…
a) how about bring services down ? b) if you want few users to access and few user NOT to access then restrict using role population. While populating role have an additional condition. In a table if maintenance_mode = Y then don't populate roles.
Are there any HTML tags ? or javascripts in narrative view try removing them first and see how results are showing. Then keep adding your html/script related things and see where it is failing.
1. Can we put Instance name and user name in delivery note by default for a agent? Instance name: Modify Display name of sender (MAIL configurations) as per your need example: 'Analytics(DEV) Agents' / 'Server2 Agents' etc. User Name: As Christian said, you need to perform in agent sending analysis. 2. Can we able to see…
If you are looking for only 3 then you need to filter on column which has row number (row_number <=3)
option a: You can create views with all the tables your looking for in physical layer and use it as table.In view you can specify any type of sql (any joins). another possible option: Create a view with surrogate key(concatenating 3 columns with some separator character) for each table in the Physical Layer and use this as…
May be try this. First get a unique rank by row_number db function then do a pivot view. I have used different sample set Start Day Name (in your case emplid) ,Start Date (Strm) In pivot view pull Strm as measure and set aggregation rule as Min (or Max).
"when a report or analysis was created" : If you have enabled usage tracking then use saw_path, and min(START_TS) to find out when it was first time ran and you can treat this as created date (if you have renamed /re-saved as different name then you may not see accurate data). " list of agents that run successfully during…
Add BI Consumer role to "View Deliver Full UX" then they will be able to see the Subscribe option. Looks like you have wide open on creating agents (screenshot shows set to authenticated users) restrict this to specific roles (may be only BI Author Role). Though you are thinking only BI Author Role can create agent, it is…
To make an agent available for subscription, in the Recipients tab of the Agent editor, the Publish Agent for Subscription(available in Admin privs page) option must be selected, and users, and Catalog groups and Application roles that are allowed to subscribe must be identified.