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That's really unfortunate - there are some tremendous visualizations in DV that would be great in dashboards. Are there notes anywhere to fully turn town DV? Documentation hasn't ever proven to be Oracle's strong-suit.
Thanks for this commentary @Gianni Ceresa - do you know if this has been refreshed in the 16 months since original comment? Looking to provide some more useful fine-grain permissions for newly created roles and enhanced reporting with our DV - since it's un-usable at the moment.
Is there anything resembling an administration guide for the permissions and roles available for securing DV application?
Thank you both - after downloading the latest versions from Oracle - nothing installed successfully. I've open an SR and will hope to get some further insights.
This part " In BOTH scenarios, you install a new ORACLE_HOME with the new binaries, so … " was what wasn't clear in the documentation. Thank you for that clarity. Upgrades aren't something we do often enough.
Thank you both. This document is helpful, as is the tip for the domain home. We've always just left the folders in their stock locations.
I was successful once moved to a path with no spaces. on Windows - Java unpacking didn't work. Didn't recognize as a valid jar. 7-Zip worked beautifully.
Download Extract Navigate to spbat path - run pre-check. Instant error.Does not like folders with spaces.
Even though Office365 is deprecating Basic Authentication?
Hey @Alan Lee - Oracle-Oracle - is there a date for implementation on this yet?