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Have not tried the new plugin if any. Yet, a year ago, I used the Gantt custom extension, the custom did not have: a color code for different timeframes, no format for time series, no flag for significant milestones, etc. Below are some features which I hope to see in OAC. Btw, I don't see the plug-in in this link anymore:…
Looking for a Gantt chart and enhancement on the Sankey! I have used those, especially the Gantt chart with a custom plugin. Great for project planning and connection visualization. Thank you!
Would love to see the new feature. It is totally useful.
It is a needed feature. Please give us an update.
Uploaded the visual for reference. Having the permanent label on the map will help the visualization.
This extra feature would be great to have more meaningful tooltips.
yes, we need this option. Much needed!
absolutely needed!
Additionally, would be nice to have an option to choose how the standard commentary is populated. For example, for Finance, we would have the standard lanaguage: $___(decrease)increase due to.....
Need to have this option. Many times, we would like to have a stacked bar chart with line chart as we can do in excel.