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Oh must be close. It let the report proceed after inserting the code in the month column formula, which it wasnt doing. But unfortunately now I get the attached errors with no report.
Im getting the below errors. Also attached. Formula syntax is invalid. [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. Please have your System Administrator look at the log for more details on this error. (HY000) [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. Please have your System Administrator look at the log for more…
Hi Arjun, I would still like any help getting the months now in an order that suits our reports. APR, MAY, JUN through to MAR Ive tried pasting your previous code in as described but Im having no luck so far
I have managed to get a solution to display the MONTH column as desired JAN, FEB, MAR......... Video attached. I would love to have these now displayed in financial year order APR24 through to MAR 25
Thanks all. I have submitted a support ticket with all of the information. Thankyou for your help, its appreciated.
This error occurred only after editing the month column and displays the error message almost immediately.
Im not sure where to find the session log.
Thanks Arjun. That sorted it, but now I get the attached errors after running the report?
Thanks Rajesh. Ive done that too. Ive double checked and still cant see any typos. Attached.
Done, still errors. Sorry!
Thanks Arjun. I must be missing something here. I think I have done as per your advice, but still get the error messages. Image attached.
Hi Arjun, Ive attached a screenshot of the case statement and the error codes I get. I assume Im doing something incorrectly?
Hi Arjun - Thankyou for the case statement. So I place this in the edit column formula field of the month column? I see your using alternate calendars though which I dont appear to have. Sorry so new to this and its a very simple report I trying to create.
Hi Arjun - the data in the month column is list alphabetically. Ive attached a screen shot if that helps. I would like it to display from APR - MAY - JUN through to MAR I have read an article on RPD and it seems alot easier to do it this way but I think I will need to request access to that.
Hi Doris - Thanks. Very new to R&A as a hotel manager wanting to produce a report but the subject month column is creating a messy report. I attached the column formula for month but need what Im placing in here to make it present in chronological order.
Hi. Ive read this thread and just need a little more help on the sorting of the month column into chronological order instead of alphabetical. Arjun provided the below but I assume I am to amend and replace, but how? My thinking if using January as an example. Is this anywhere near correct? WHEN…