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Hello, One suggestion is to check the template for any unwanted space , it would be helpful if you show paragraph marks feature in MS word , also open each individual form filed and make sure there are no empty spaces .. Hope this helps .. If still not resolved upload the templates --YG
as mentioned you can use the word feature for page break or use the <?split-by-page-break:?> . Make sure that this is within the group ..
is this a standalone BI Publisher installation or OBIEE Installation ?? Check the instanceconfig.xml file and enable the following and check if this helps .. <AdvancedReporting> <ReportingToolbarMode>6</ReportingToolbarMode> </AdvancedReporting
From what i understand, just generate the data with some total value and then use the following calc to make it work <Cell><xsl:value-of select="VAL1+VAL2" /></Cell> We also set the val2 and val2 values to be of type MT_BAR and the total to be MT_MARKER using the SeriesItems tag. In the example below I have thrown out the…
I am not sure what version of OBIEE .. but for 12c the correct way is as below http://hostname:PORT/analytics/saw.dll?bieehome&nquser=username&nqpassword=password I'm not aware if this would work or cloud, but pl try and update.... the PORT you listed in the URL 7001 is Weblogic server port. so may be that is the issue.…
Pat, I am not sure if csv is supported, but please see the documentation for Excel Support using FORMAT_EXCEL oR FORMAT_XLSX https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E29542_01/apirefs.1111/e22256/oracle/xdo/template/FOProcessor.html#FORMAT_EXCEL Hope this helps. --YG
Carley - Is your Datasource set as OBIEE ? if yes then the VALUE("REPO_VARIABLE) should work .
Ivan, Refer to the product documentation @ https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12212/bip/BIPAD/GUID-449EB059-8806-49F0-9FAB-21AAC118F014.htm#BIPAD359 Hope this helps --YG
Srishti, I assume in the Dataset the datasource may have been defaulted to demo by mistake. Point it to the correct data source Hope this helps --YG