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Full data lineage is crucial to being able to build efficient, effective analyses for users. With the ever changing underlying view objects and little to no communication when these changes occur, complete documentation is often our only method of troubleshooting.
an absolute must have if OTBI is the recommended reporting tool moving forward. We need to have the ability to extend beyond basic logical SQL and OTBI based functions to create comprehensive, enterprise level analytics. Access to listagg and regexp alone would change our reporting game - Come on Oracle, it is time to let…
Yes Yes Yes!!!!!
We have so many "segment" reports that we have to build in publisher simply to see enable/disable and active dates. Great idea!
This is mission critical for utilizing streamlined and architected folder design to support automated backups and report developoment lifecycles. But now we cannot see the analysis to add it to a dashboard? What a ridiculous limitation in a modern system. Come on Oracle - do better
This is a common request and we would love to be able to offer it to our clients!
We have a need to store attributes for our accounts. Being able to do this with the VS DFF would enable us to expose it to EDMCS and give our users the ability to provide the account attributes at the VS level vice the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS level.
Great idea and much needed! The % logic is fundamental to flexibility in our reporting and to be able to do this with numbers and dates and avoid massive range searches will lead to increased performance of queries for users that choose to not submit a value
@Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle - absolutely agree but in the cloud we have no control over the poor design of the abstraction layer and/or the db iteslf. My experience is painful regarding performance and cloud OTBI. Regardless we also time out during active development and adhoc queries. We are not prompted to…
Our users are running analytics and because they are SO SLOW they are moving on to other tasks, and coming back to the data after 10minutes. Only to find out they are now timed out. It's extremely frustrating.
It makes automation so hard when you are constantly navigating to different folder structures. But if they cannot fix this we may be up for rearchitecting.
This is mission critical for utilizing streamlined and architected folder design to support automated backups and report development lifecycles. But now we cannot see the analysis to add it to a dashboard? What a ridiculous limitation in a modern system. Come on Oracle - do better
Reporting on cost transfers - currently required in BI Publisher due to limited availability of data in the OTBI subject areas. A departments cost transfers must be reported and the current report generates 68 sheets within a single workbook making the user experience minimal at best.