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HI Fernando, Join attributes data type is same. I am able to run the data flow just by keeping 1 data set with filter conditions other than join it is working without error. Thanks Prasanna
HI Posting the entire error log, Error occurred while processing the query. select InputDataset_0."ITEM_NUMBER" as "ITEM_NUMBER", InputDataset_0."ATTR_NAME" as "ATTR_NAME", InputDataset_0."VAL" as "VAL", InputDataset_0."ORG_CODE" as "ORG_CODE", InputDataset_1."ITEM_NUMBER" as "ITEM_NUMBER_1",…
After upgrading the DV version to 5.4. Issue got resolved. Thanks prasanna
HI Tried copying the report to another canvas but got the same issue. This happen if TreeMap view is used. Not getting an issue with other views like pivot table and any other charts. Thanks Prasanna
HI Report is working fine in Visualize section. It fails while when I drag it to narrate.