SQLTXPLAIN (SQLT): General Discussion
Due to the wide variety of posts received on this thread, we decided to create a number of more specific threads to cover more targeted areas.
Please use these new threads for the problem area you are encountering.
For general SQLT Discussions continue to use this thread
Targeted threads:
SQLTXPLAIN: SQLT Installation Issues.
SQTXPLAIN: Dealing with Long SQLT Execution Times
SQTXPLAIN: Dealing with Errors reported in SQLT MAIN report
SQTXPLAIN: Using SQLT on a Stand-by or Dataguard
SQTXPLAIN: Interpreting and Understanding SQLT Output
Document 215187.1 SQLT (SQLTXPLAIN) - Tool that helps to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly or one that produces wrong results