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Tax & Global
Discussion List
How can i add the tax regime code for a new legal entity?Summary: Cannot find how to add the tax regime code on a newly created LE/business unit. Content (required): I am creating a new legal entity and the documentation menti…
System not validating GSTIN (ORA_IN_GST) validation at supplier registrationSummary: Content (required): Requirement is to validate GSTIN (Tax Registration Number) during supplier registration. I can see there is one setup given 'Manage Country …
How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier or Supplier Site LevelSummary: How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier or Supplier Site Level Content (required): We are creating supplier/Sites through REST API and sy…
Europeon Tax Solution where company is VAT Registered in another countrySummary EU Tax Solution for company who are only VAT Registered in another countryContent EU Client. Registered in home country. Also they are only VAT Registered in 5 m…
"Upload Tax rates from a spreadsheet" is creating Jurisdiction with wrong countySummary: Content (required): "Upload Tax rates from a spreadsheet" is used to upload Tax rates. The tax rates are created correctly. But, the Jurisdiction is creating wi…
Exclude 0 amount tax boxes from tax box allocation (e.g. cancelled tax lines or invoices) and xml ouContent Hi everyone, I am finishing implementation of JPK (Polish SAFT file) in our instance. Allocations and rules work perfectly with one exception. We should not repo…
Oracle fusion Integration with HMRC (UK MTD)does oracle have prebuild Integration with UK HMRC (UK MTD) - Tax System ?
Tax Entry Repository Data Upload Interface - Account columnsHi All We are trying to Tax Entry Repository Data Upload Interface to import GL data as taxable journals. I see from the ZX_TER_IMPORT.xlsm that both Debit Account and C…
Change Tax Configuration from User-Defined Fiscal Classification to Geography-drivenSummary: Content (required): We originally configured tax rules with Tax Condition Sets that used a Tax Determining Factor Name of "User Defined Fiscal Classification". …
Call Oracle tax engine from third partySummary: Can a third party call Oracle tax engine (and parameters while calling the API can be as exhaustive as needed), and Oracle tax engine returns the appropriate ta…
Rule applied in Payables InvoiceSummary: Is there a way to know which Manage Tax Rule was applied in a specific Payables Invoice transaction? Content (required): In my environment, we have a lot of Man…
How to create Self Assessed Tax invoice automatically once invoice is validated and approvedSummary: How to create Self Assessed Tax invoice automatically once invoice is validated and approved Content (required): Business creates Invoices with Self-assessed (r…
Tax setup/configuration needed for Punchout SupplierSummary Tax setup/configuration needed for Punchout SupplierContent Hi, We have 3 punchout suppliers in our project, Whenever requisition gets created after selecting an…
Is there a report that lists all the tax rates we have in our system? Sorted by regime?Summary: We are looking to confirm our tax rates are correct, is there a report available that lists all the regimes and their current rates? Content (required): Tax rat…
Tax Entry Repository Data Upload Interface - Account columnsHi All We are trying to Tax Entry Repository Data Upload Interface to import GL data as taxable journals. I see from the ZX_TER_IMPORT.xlsm that both Debit Account and C…
In Download Tax Rules to a Spreadsheet, where is the spreadsheet generated?Summary: In Download Tax Rules to a Spreadsheet, where is the spreadsheet generated? Content (required): The customer needs to download existing Tax Rules into a spreads…
Tax Applicability RuleIs there a way to create tax determinant factor set based on PO Line Type (Goods, Expenses, Rate Based Services etc)? I am trying to write a tax applicability rule for i…
Configuration Owner Tax Options: Unable to allow offset tax calculation for receivablesSummary: Why are we unable to allow offset tax for Receivables? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any cod…
Invoice not getting validated during batch validation process - Tax IssueContent Hi All, We are having an integration with Vertex. We are scheduling batch jobs for validating payables invoices but the invoices coming in from punchout(B2B XML …
What caused the tax rate not to show in AP Invoice but correctly shows in tax simulatorSummary: AP Invoice does not show tax rate code but the tax simulator using the same AP Invoice shows correct tax rate code. This is related to foreign registrations whe…
Italy: can offset tax cover the requirement for self-invoice?Summary Italy: can offset tax cover the requirement for self-invoice?Content For some AP invoices (domestic invoices for certain industries, services extra EU ...), ther…
Integration Documentation for Vertex OSeriesContent Hi All, Has anyone found detailed documentation for setting up the integration of Oracle with Vertex OSeries for tax calculation? We have referenced the Oracle d…
delate the inactive tax registrationsSummary: delate the inactive tax registrations Content (required): I have several tax registrations in the "manage tax registration" task that I would like to delete as …
Inclusion of determinants in a set conditionI wonder what the rule is to allow new determinants in a set condition, I have a case that a set condition is allowing editing and others do not allow. What would be the…
Product Non InventorySummary: What is the difference in Transaction Input Factor->Purchasing Category and Product Non iNventory linked- >Fiscal Classification Code Content (required): Versio…
Self Assessed Tax SetupsSummary: Self Assessed Tax, Can anyone please share the setup document related to Self Assessed Tax Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Tax Amount not added to Invoice amount for FBDI import in case supplier is tax inclusiveHi everyone, we are trying to import invoices through FBDI. Supplier is set up to be tax inclusive with 'Set Invoice Values as Tax Inclusive' =YES. On the FBDI, we put C…
Can we use Tax regime created under Transaction Tax for WHT tax Tak Manage TaskSummary: We have created Tax regime under Transaction Tax.While creating Taxes for WHT regime from Transaction Tax is populating but not able to select any Geography typ…
JPK Accounts to create JPK Hierarchy- PolandSummary JPK Accounts to create JPK Hierarchy- PolandContent Hello Peeps, Please can someone help me with what the values of JPK accounts should be? The online Oracle doc…
Use of Tax expense account on AP invoicesSummary: When is the Tax Expense Account used on an AP invoice? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any cod…