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Transportation Management
Discussion List
Can OTM look at future capacity availability so the least expensive carrier is selectedSummary We have carrier capacity implemented and OTM seems to set the ship date and then select the best carrier - anyway to look at a different ship date and use future…
Replace Element using Intsaved queryContent I have two questions to ask; 1. In the below highlighted reference is used to match the invoice to shipment, this field may have shipment id or order id, I case …
AgentService WSDL not correctSummary WSDL issue with OTM webserviceContent We are trying to use AgentService WSDL but WSDL definition is not correct. WSDL is missing or failing in substitutions . I …
19C Readiness Material Now Available for OTM & GTMSummary 19C Readiness Material Now Available for OTM & GTMContent Readiness material is now available for Transportation (OTM) and Global Trade Management (GTM) 19C. Cli…
ERP Cloud (OM & Shipping) - OTM IntegrationContent Hi All, Does anyone know - How OTM planned shipment creates the shipment in ERP Inventory Module through Standard Interfaces between ERP Cloud to OTM 1. Does OTM…
configuring mixed palletsContent Hi everyone, I have a business case where the customer is shipping mixed pallets. Customer has two Packaged Items that ship on the same THU(euro pallet). However…
Customize OTM default notifications stylesheets in cloudContent Hello Community. Could anyone provide some inputs regarding the better way to customize OTM default notifications stylesheets (e.g. Tender notification styleshee…
What is Oracle licensing policy on usage of OTM Rest APIs or Glogs?Summary What is Oracle licensing policy on usage of OTM Rest APIs or Glogs?Content Does Oracle charge extra licensing fee for data transfer thru REST APIs or Glog?
SCM – OTM & GTM 19C Overview, 16 July 2019, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the SCM – OTM & GTM 19C Overview session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a new comment to t…
Cofiguring SSO between OTM Cloud/ERP Cloud and PaaS using IDCSSummary We have a custom PaaS application developed in ADF and deployed on JCS. This application link is configured within OTM & ERP Cloud. The PaaS application opens wi…
Fixed Stops during "Merge Shipment" or "Move Order/Order Release to Shipment" actionsSummary How can we let a certain number of stops of a shipments not being changed after a merge or similar action?Content Hello, we have a particular case in which we ne…
SCM – OTM & GTM Cloud Moving to Quarterly Updates in 19B, 28 March 2019, 9 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionContent Submit your questions for the SCM – OTM & GTM Cloud Moving to Quarterly Updates in 19B session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions b…
OTM Cloud 6.4.2-Cutover plan for Go LiveSummary Share experience on Cloud cutoverContent Hello Can anyone share their experience of OTM cloud cutover activity: 1. Business Cutover 2. Technical Cutover Regards …
Configuring roundtrip scenarios in OTMSummary Need some help to configure roundtrip model for a customer in ARContent Hello community. I was doing some research on this matter in the web but there's no very …
Not able to Split the InvoiceSummary Not able to Split the InvoiceContent Hi , We are looking for solution on current flow which are following for Multi-payer invoicing. A site of Customer has two d…
Cool new dashboard charts from Oracle Customer CareSummary Gain single page access to dozens of Oracle resources!Content Check out these product specific Quick Link charts. These make navigating Oracle much easier! * To …
WADL/Swagger for OTM Rest API'sContent OTM Version 18c We are trying to consume OTM Rest API's in jdeveloper 12c using Rest URI. Please provide WADL/ Swagger for OTM REST API's. OTM Rest API Documenta…
OTM Cloud-Performance TestingSummary Cloud Volume Testing with large Orders, Bulk PlanContent Hello We intend to Go live in Nov with OTM Cloud 6.4.2. Before we Go Live we need to do performance test…
OTM SIG Coming Soon...Content Hi all - Don't forget to register for the upcoming OTM User's Conference. This year's event takes place August 5-8, 2018 at the Loews Hotel in downtown Philadelp…
AWB Number allocation based on Order Bundles in a shipment. (LR Generation issue). How to Order bundContent How do we leverage Partial Shipment group to create AWB number and assign to Orders based on the Order bundles within a shipment for unique Source and Destinatio…
To get rating based on the Farthest LocationContent We are using sequential algorithm while building multi-drop shipments. We want OTM to pickup the freight rate for the farthest delivery location to arrive at a s…
Validations for XML pushed to OTM for User Access Control and Action checks. What is the error handlContent How does OTM handle validations for XML pushed to OTM for User Associations and Action checks on the objects. Also, how do we send notifications to users for any…
Shipment rating based on Factor based Rates.Content We have a below scenario for Freight Calculation: Shipment Freight Calculation Stop Sequence Location Stop Type Product Factor (M) Qty (N) Base Rate / Unit (O) F…
Chatbots - How To Transform the Future of Supply ChainContent As far as emerging technologies go, Chatbots are everywhere. They are the automated agent customers talk to when they dial a customer service hotline; the person…
SCM Blog - Extending OTM with GTM for a Global Trade and Transportation PlatformContent Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) and Oracle Global Trade Management (GTM) are two sibling applications in Oracle’s Logistics product family that are co-dev…
Anyway to insure that pallets with a single product are built in full layers?Summary Our store locations require that single product pallets all ship in full layers - no uneven tops - is there anyway to do this in OTM?Content Many of our stores r…
Anyway to have RIQ provide results for future ocean shipments when voyage data is not available?Summary Our users perform RIQ requests 4 to 6 months out - we do not have any valid voyage schedules that are effective that far out - so no rate is returned - is there …
OTM for Cloud Applications user/scenario level documentationSummary Looking for OTM for Cloud Applications documentation.Content All, I'm looking for Cloud Applications documentation around OTM (Oracle Transportation Management) …
How do I get my shipment pdf documents to my ERP for distribution?Summary Have generated and attached documents for shipments in OTM - need that info in my ERP for distibution to customers - how is that done?Content We need to send the…
Additive Tendering - Tender to an Increasing Number of CarriersSummary Since lead time are short and equipment tight we add carriers to our outstanding tenders until someone responds - can this be handled in OTM?Content We have a lo…