Course Completion
Courses marking complete automaticallyContent
So...I'm pretty sure this might be an LMS bug but wanted to reach out to this community first...
I've created a Learning Plan with several SCORM courses. We always use the same publish settings in your SCORM packages that you must view at least 90% of the learning content before it will mark you complete. This is probably the 50th set of courses that I've done this on so it's a regular procedure.
For some reason they are suddenly marking complete whether I launch the course or not! It's very odd... If I click the course title...and it loads the "Click here to launch" page.... then click the "stop" button at the top which will return me back to my LC page, never even launching the course... and it marks it complete. However....if I launch the course, view a few slides (not 90% thought), close the window and his "stop" again, then it marks it "incomplete", which is correct.