Supplier Invoices with Tax in Fusion Supplier Portal
Supplier Invoices with Tax in Fusion Supplier PortalContent
Our customer is not using tax on PO. They depend upon suppliers to provide this information.
Our customer is using EBS for Procure to pay cycle, they have purchased fusion supplier portal cloud service for create invoice functionality for supplier user.
Now in EBS, they do not have item based procurement, they only have category based procurement. For example, there is one category called Pantry items. This category covers groceries, kitchen items, tea, water, medicines, first aid kit etc.
So take example where they create a purchase order with two line, both have category as Pantry Items. for first line they put PO line description as Tea bags and for second item they put PO line description as X medicine. and they put the price (without tax) and submit PO to supplier after approval. This happens in EBS.