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How to use in column filter with two subject areas
How to get one subject area fact column value based on other subject area filter with two subject areasContent
my requirement is to
count head count who completed the performance document and who joined in the month and year of the as of date
my logic is
IFNULL(FILTER("Worker Assignment"."Head Count" USING ("Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Performance Document Details"."Performance Document Name" = '180 Days Feedback' and "Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Performance Document Details"."Performance Document Status" = 'Completed' and TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY,"Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Worker"."Enterprise Hire Date", "Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Performance Document Status Details"."Last Update Date") <= 180 and monthname ("Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Worker"."Enterprise Hire Date" ) = monthname((@{asofdate}{To_DateTime ('2018-01-30 01:01:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss')})) and year ("Workforce Performance - Performance Document Status Real Time"."Worker"."Enterprise Hire Date" ) = year(@{asofdate}{To_DateTime ('2018-01-30 01:01:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss')}) )),0)