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What is and when should the "Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status" process be run?

edited Jan 30, 2019 4:31PM in Reporting and Analytics for ERP 8 comments


Listed in Scheduled Processes is "Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status" with description "This process ensures that the workflow status is updated correctly in SOA and Oracle Fusion Applications."


While working in our R13 18C test environments, I ran across the process in Scheduled Processes for Synchronize Transaction Workflow Status. The description states "This process ensures that the workflow status is updated correctly in SOA and Oracle Fusion Applications."

Should this process be run, at what intervals, and under what configuration requirements?

We regularly run "Synchronize Bell Notifications" to reduce user confusion with completed transactions lingering in the Bell, but we have experienced some other "phantom" transactions reappear in workflow. This description doesn't seem to directly address our needs, but we were hoping someone may have additional insight.

Howdy, Stranger!

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