Alternate View
Need to have a 15 month view in ASOContent
We are trying to create a 15 month view (i.e. March 2019 will be Jan-Dec 2018 + Jan-Mar 2019) in an ASO application (this is EPMA). First I want to get the Jan-Dec 2018 component working, so in the view dimension I have a member with the formula:
CASE WHEN IS ([Period].CurrentMember, [MAR]) THEN SUM(PeriodsToDate([Period].Generations(1), [Period].[Dec]), [View].[Periodic], [Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember) END
It does not work, however if I take off '[Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember', it works for the current year. I make the ASO formula just '[FY18]', it also doesn't work. Are there any limitations to referencing years in ASO member formulas?