WSDL with WS security throwing error in ICS
invoke the SOAP WSDL with WS Security Throwing ErrorContent
Hi All,
Our requirement is to invoke the SOAP WSDL with WS Security . WSDL is of two parts
1. WSDL contain only Binding , Operation & Service
2. In WSDL 1 we have a import which refers to another WSDL that WSDL contains Type(Schema), Message & Port Type.
When we Use WSDL 1 directly in ICS it is failing while Validating and testing.
We need to create a concrete WSDL from this two WSDL. We created the WSDL and created Connection. While testing from ICS We are getting below Error.
"Authentication error: The value of the 'Nonce' field has already been used."