Discussion List
File Reference Retention in OICSummary: File Reference in OIC - Retention Details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I am trying to get more details how a file/stream r…
Basic authentication fails to authenticate SOAP Trigger OIC integrationWe have a requirement to create a synchronous OIC integration with SOAP Trigger with basic authentication. We are able to configure the connection and create the integra…
getFlowTaskInstanceStatus operation causing issue with legislativeDataGroupName parameterSummary: I am using Flowactionwebservice. using getFlowTaskInstanceStatus i want to get my HCM extract status. I have created HCM extract without LDG only. But webservic…Jaeyshree Kumaran Kalpana 8 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Jaeyshree Kumaran Kalpana Integration
Not able to update the status of a sales order via REST APISummary Getting Error when trying to update a status of an orrder via rest apiContent Hi , I am trying to change the status of a sales order using a rest api . (EndPoint…
Adjustment and credit memo web serviceSummary ERP adapter > Services > Doesn't show below mentioned services.Content What are the roles required to invoke below service using OIC ERP adapter. 1. Credit Memo …
How to create organization using the FoundationPartiesOrganizationService?Hi, what is the minimum filds needed in the request payload to create an organization using the WSDL /crmService/FoundationPartiesOrganizationService?WSDLmarcelo.benitez 298 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Vipin Kumar - Oracle-Oracle Integration
How to calculate signature in OIC using HMAC sha 256Summary Calculate signature in OIC using HMAC sha 256Content Hi All, In OIC, How to calculate signature using HMAC sha256 Is there any script available in OIC calculate …
OIC Stage File Read from xml variableI'm attempting to get data from a BPI report into OIC and a SOAP connector. I can run the report, and receive the response. I then decode64 the ReportBytes element and a…
OIC Integration with Kafka ERRORSummary OIC Integration with Kafka ERRORContent Hello All, We are getting an error message when we try to setup a scheduled orchestration using the Kafka adapter in OIC …
OIC Gen3: GenericSoapPort SOAP Connection Error [REST_AUTH_INIT_ERR]Summary: We are utilizing a SOAP connection to facilitate authentication between the OIC Gen3 application and the Oracle Cloud ERP application. We are using the same OAu…
OIC how to map to payload of type AnyTypeSummary Map to payload of type AnyType in OICContent How do i map to my payload of type AnyType which is considered as a node in OIC. If i use parse xml the tags are rem…
BICC: How to Find Current Run ExtractsSummary: I an trying to submit BICC extracts through esswebservice. I see extracts are being submitted and completed without any issues. However, when I check UCM for th…
Correct REST Framework Version for Oracle API'sSummary: Hi Team, We see that Oracle provide different REST Framework Versions for invoking API's and some operations are not allowed in default versions. Can some pleas…
downloadESSJobExecutionDetails in ErpIntegrationService returns SocketTimeoutExceptionSummary: We are leveraging the downloadESSJobExecutionDetails in the ErpIntegrationService to download ESS job output files from Oracle Cloud ERP. Although the service u…
How to do application/x-www-form-urlencoded request in OIC rest adapterSummary How to do application/x-www-form-urlencoded request in OIC rest adapterContent Hi all, In POSTMAN, I can able to get a response using Body as x-www-form-urlencod…
How to get the status of HCM Extract ESS job status in details using Webservice in OIC?Summary: Hi All, We have built an HCM Extract which is integrated to third party via OIC and third party system pass parameter values based on the requirement. Extract D…
OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesSummary OIC Inconsistency in Extending Data TypesContent Hello! We have an app-driven integration that invokes a "Publish to OIC" integration, and a Subscribe integratio…
Escaped characters in xml responseSummary: I have a SOAP request that looks like this: When i execute this request in soapUI the response looks normal, but when i execute this in OIC, the response looks …
How to download ESS job log and output from SOAPUISummary: We are attempting to use downloadESSJobExecutionDetails within the ERP Integration Service to download the ESS job output file via SOAPUI. We are trying to leve…
HCM extract file downloaded from UCM, size exceeded 1Gb and it is failing while downloading from SOASummary: HCM extract file downloaded from UCM, size exceeded 1Gb and it is failing while downloading from SOAP API. Eventually we need to upload the file to ObjectStorag…
Oauth for Soap connectionSummary: Hi I want to use Oauth instead of Basic Authentication. Can you please help Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the …
BICC Connection Error in OICSummary: Hi Team, We are facing the below error when trying to drag the SOAP connection to OIC. SOAPADAPTR-20009Cause - Abstract WSDL based connection cannot be used for…
Approval Delegation rules in HCM cloud via API’s or Data LoadersSummary Is there a way to Create/Update Approval Delegation rules in HCM cloud via API’s or Data LoadersContent Do we have any way to create/update approval delegation r…
How to call fusion REST/SOAP services using the SAML method using API Authentication?Summary: We have already configured the consumption of the Fusion API using JWT token, but we need to understand how to connect to the Fusion SOAP/REST services using th…
Error while configuring SOAP TriggerSummary: Getting error while configuring my custom SOAP WSDL Content (required): An error occurred while preparing mapper object. [Cause: ICS-10064]oracle.ics.webconsole…
ESS Job failingSummary: Hi I am trying to submit ESS job from OIC, but it is failing. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you ar…
Printing document from OICSummary: Hi Team, we need to know if documents can be printed from OIC directly on to external printer? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): NA…
Is username should be same in OIC,CPQ and Fusion for installing CPQ Fusion Bridge accelerator?Summary: We are in the process of implementing CPQ Fusion Bridge business accelerator primarily to use OIC prebuilt adaptors across CPQ-FOM-SMC. Do we need to use 'same'…
API to get AR Invoice Header level State, City TaxHi Team, We tried to find an API to get the AR Invoice header level State, City tax. Looks like these were stored in ZX tables earlier. Can some one please help on the A…
How to map multiple values of complex nodes using for each loops within data mappingSummary: I am using OIC version 3 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have an XML input in which I have complex nodes: I need write a CSV fi…