Discussion List
Customer OrigSystemReference in the Order Fulfillment Request Web ServiceContent Hi, We are using Order Fulfillment Request web service (To integrate Oracle OM cloud with third party fulfillment) through OIC so this request xml payload have C…
Customize CMK delivery methodSummary Customize CMK delivery methodContent Can I customize the CMK delivery method? E.g. - I want to send PO's to our EDI partner via SFTP. I want to create a delivery…
ImportBulkData operation of ERPIntegration service without properties fileContent How to load FBDI file to ERP using importBulkData operation using ERPIntegration service using parameterList parameter instead of properties file. I have tried l…
Can we use Service Integration Account with No Password Expiration in OIC to install agentSummary Unable to use service integration account credentials to install agentContent The service integration account does not have OIC console access but can we use it …
Incorrect XML Structure sent by ScheduleReportServiceWSS service.Summary Unable to fetch child elements data from 'ScheduleReportWSSService ' response operations in OIC.Content Hi All, I have the following requirement: We want to fetc…
SOAP Connection with certificate errorSummary Soap connection error with keystoreContent Hi, I have a problem with one SOAP Connection which uses a keystore with a PPK. The keystore .jks file and the .cer fi…
OIC Connection using Certificate .jks get trusted certificate entries are not password-protected errSummary Error using SOAP connection with SSL jks keystoreContent Hi, I'm usign a SOAP Connection which uses a certificate keystore. But when the certificate is used it i…
Trying to start Import Accounting Transactions Process from SOAPUISummary Getting Error: Unable to execute service DOC_INFO_SUB and function QdocInfoContent Hello, I am having trouble running the Import Accounting Transactions (XLATXNI…
How to call SOAP Endpoint dynamicallySummary Is there a way to call SOAP endpoint given that we have endpoint URL and we can pass it dynamically to execute it payloadContent Hi, I am looking for a solution …Abhinav Deshmukh-185336 45 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Not able to update the status of a sales order via REST APISummary Getting Error when trying to update a status of an orrder via rest apiContent Hi , I am trying to change the status of a sales order using a rest api . (EndPoint…
Dynamic xml data format to csv conversionSummary Read and Write file using dynamic schemaContent Hi, We have a requirement to convert xml to csv format.But the xml file content is not pre-defined i.e. we get di…
Can we use getDocumentData operation response of ScheduleReportWSSService as MTOM attachment in OICSummary We have a requirement to fetch output of seeded AP invoice import validation pdf report, ran as part of import process.Content Hi, We are trying to fetch the sta…
File size limit in OIC callbackSummary File size limit in OIC callbackContent Hi all, As we receive file reference in OIC callback, wanted to check if there's any known limit to the file size that cal…Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sumanth Kunimakki-21932 Integration
Oracle Database adapter showing error - The connection to the database has been refused.Summary The connection to the database has been refused. Please check connection parameters, ensure database is reachable and review the firewall.Content Hi, I have crea…
Unable to test connection "MYSQLCONNECT".Summary Unable to test connection "MYSQLCONNECT". [Cause: CLOUD-0005]Content Hi, i am trying to connect on-prem mysql db usign agent. i am getting below error. Unable to…
Business Events vs File Based data extract (BIP, BI Analysis)Summary Business Events vs File Based data extract (BIP, BI Analysis)Content We are looking to integrate our purchasing module with our downstream applications. We are l…
UCM upload is taking lot of timeSummary UCM upload is taking lot of timeContent Hi experts, We are using Oracle fusion SAAS application, We are doing integration to load payslips into UCM using SOAP we…Pradvin Prabhakar 46 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Sachin Suresh Deshpande -- Infosys Integration
Which adapter to use for SCM cloud?Summary Which adapter to use for SCM cloud?Content Hi Everyone, I searched for SCM adapter in OIC but It's unavailable. In that case, which adapter to be used? Can you p…
How to process Refund in Oracle Cloud Receivable using Webservice?Content How to process Refund in Oracle Cloud Receivable using Webservice?
OIC - XML payload decryption supportSummary XML payload decryptionContent Does OIC support REST/SOAP inbound payload decryption? We have a requirement where an external service is sending partially encrypt…
ERP Adapter Callback for Non-File-Based Data Import (FBDI) ERP ESS JobSummary Callback for Non-File-Based Data Import (FBDI) ERP ESS Job in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)Content Hi, Has anyone implemented ESS Callback for Non-File-Based Da…
How to write and then read data with Nested array structure into stage in OIC?Content Hi All, I am trying to write multiple employees data and their corresponding multiple address into stage and then read it at once and send as response in single …Ranganadh Neelakantham 60 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ranganadh Neelakantham Integration
Getting error while submitting ESS job based on a schedule using submitRecurringRequest of EssWebSerSummary Getting error while trying to submit ESS job using submitRecurringRequest of EssWebService WSDLContent I am using submitRecurringRequest of EssWebService WSDL, t…Proma Datta Gupta-196316 90 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Proma Datta Gupta-196316 Integration
Difference between OIC Classic and Gen2Content 1- Can you summarise what's the difference between the OIC Classic Instance and Gen2 2- what are the required steps to Migrate the Integrations (OIC) from Classi…
Error while translating message to native format.Summary Error while translating message to native format.Content Hi , I am trying to do write operation (CSV file) using the FTP adapter in OIC, I am getting below error…
SAML based authenticationSummary FA webservice's authentication options other than basic authenticationContent has anyone implemented solution by invoking Fusion Application SOAP based webservic…
Oracle EBS Business Events are not trigger data to OIC CloudSummary Oracle Item Create business event raises and the workflow ends with Connection timed outContent EBS related activities: * ISG services…
How to call REST API using Http PATCH MethodSummary In Java how to call REST API (json) using http PATCH methodContent We have a requirement to update Planned orders in Cloud SCP from EBS. To update the planned or…
Batch Actions To Create/Update/Get PPM Projects/TasksSummary Have anyone used Batch Actions To Create/Update/Get PPM Projects/TasksContent We are trying to use Batch Actions REST API for Project Portfolio Management Refere…
Outbound from EBS to OICSummary Outbound from EBS to OICContent Hi All, When outbound interface happens from EBS to OIC, does/should the traffic from EBS go directly to OIC through proxy server…Nirmal Kumar-139711 103 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sivanadiyan Kumarappan-189728 Integration