SQL Link between GL and Projects
Report which shows project transaction that have flown through to GLContent
Does anyone know the links/joins between GL and Projects, we are trying to build a report however not all transactions are coming through?
Your assistance is appreciated
Code Snippet
AND GL.JE_LINE_NUM = R.JE_LINE_NUM AND R.GL_SL_LINK_ID = XL.GL_SL_LINK_ID AND R.GL_SL_LINK_TABLE = XL.GL_SL_LINK_TABLE AND XL.APPLICATION_ID = XaH.APPLICATION_ID AND XL.AE_HEADER_ID = XaH.AE_HEADER_ID AND XL.ae_header_id = XDL.ae_header_id AND XL.ae_line_num = XDL.ae_line_num AND XDL.source_distribution_id_num_1 = pcd.expenditure_item_id(+) and pcd.project_id = ppa.project_id(+) and pcd.task_id = ptv.task_id(+) and pcd.expenditure_item_id = pei.expenditure_item_id(+) and pei.expenditure_item_id = pex.expenditure_item_id(+) and XE.event_id in pcd.ACCT_EVENT_ID --and pei.exp_group_id = peg.exp_group_id(+) and pei.expenditure_type_id = pet.expenditure_type_id(+) --and pei.org_id = pov.org_id and ppa.CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID = hao.organization_id(+) and xah.application_id = 10036 -- Projects