BI Publisher
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Assets - The following segment labels have misspelled BI Object Name setSummary: Hi What are correct spelled BI Object Name set for Assets. I have hit the following error: Regards, Bo Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Custmization on AR Transaction Image ,error occurred File name must end with .xdoz / .xdmz / .xssz /Hi Team , when I changing the query, system asking for Lexical parameter . For this issue , I found below documentHow To Work With the Lexical Parameter Value When Custo…Sandeep.kumar2454 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Swapnil Kashid Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Why do I get an SQL timeout limit error after 30 mins after 24D upgrade.Summary: Why do I get an SQL timeout limit error after 30 mins for one of the custom BIP report even though one of the other custom report with same properties and setti…
Specific user cant extract data from xla_transaction_entities .Need to Know role for this XLA tableSummary: Specific user can't extract data from xla_transaction_entities .Need to Know role for this XLA table We have made one report where we are using this table but a…
While the ESS job names are visible in the ui, they are only partially displayed in the BIP ReportSummary: While the ESS job names are visible in the user interface, they are only partially displayed in the BIP Report, with approximately 50% of the job name informati…joelroshan92 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by joelroshan92 Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Unable to export the report in text format Windows (CRLF) UTF-8Summary: Hi We have a custom report. When we export the report in text format, should be export in Windows (CRLF) UTF-8 format but it is exported in Unix (LF) format. Ex…
Does BIP allow additional static attachments, Word and Excel, to be added to a bursting email?Summary: We are customising the standard PO print BIP report and they will all be delivered via email, using the bursting functionality. The email will have a PDF attach…Derek Corbett 14 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Derek Corbett Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Is there any REST API to get the information of Key Flexfield Segments?Summary: Hi Team, Is there any API to get the information of Key Flexfield Segments under "Manage Key Flexfield Structures". We need the fields in below attached screens…
How to embed a xsl based xml output in oracle Fusion Print Receivable Transaction PDF outputSummary: We have a requirement where the output of the Print Receivable Transaction should include both the generated file and the corresponding XML source file, based o…
How to create and submit BIP reports by batch (request set)Summary: How to create and submit BIP reports by batch (request set) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): There is a client requirement to run …Babasaheb Bhujbal 18 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Babasaheb Bhujbal Reporting and Analytics for ERP
GL_FRC_REPORTS_B and Custom Folder and Report ListSummary GL_FRC_REPORTS_B is not listing all the reports that are created or modified; Should we run a process to populate the table or does the data in the table gets po…
Unable to view the Export option while accessing the OTBI report via infoletsSummary Unable to view the Export option while accessing the OTBI report via infoletsContent Hi Guys, I had created the independent OTBI Report with the report links and…
Cannot access name on errored out EssBIPJobSummary: 24C version The errored out process name is not displayed, when i check from Report job history page, not able to check the details of this ess bipjob, can anyo…Shahid Qureshi 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by nothingname Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Restricting a record if its already sent - Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud BI Report Requirement.Summary: We have a report requirement that once payments exceed $600 during a calendar year, we report to the downstream app within 20 days. Also, once a supplier has be…Abhilash K - Deloitte USI 54 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AnupamAgr Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Why BIP audit report missing data ?We have audit requirement that we know who and when report have been modified. When using the Audit report for Product: Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, …Francois Desjardins 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Oracle Fusion Cloud Sustainability posibility to report via OTBI/Subject AreasThere is a module available for all ERP customers where you can store sustainability data. Created via AP invoices or imported via external systems. This is something th…AnnelizeHenskens 8 views 0 comments 0 points Started by AnnelizeHenskens Reporting and Analytics for ERP
[FTPProcessor]Delivery to SFTP completed with failure TimeoutSummary: [FTPProcessor]Delivery to SFTP completed with failure Timeout waiting for response from server. Content (please ensure yo…
EBS Analytics acceleratorSummary: EBS Analytics accelerator ? Is this still available or existing as a solution module from Oracle ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Does anyone have the Payables invoice register report as oracle SQL QUERY.I want to create a BI report that is the same as the payable invoice register (the one seeded in Schedule process ) , due to filtering option (i can't filter by invoice …
Tables to get the Project Budget by monthSummary: Can anyone help me with the details of the tables that have Project budget in PPM. I am looking for the budget data by month. Building a custom BIP report. Cont…
Reports and Analytics - Catalog - usage numbersSummary: Need to identify usage nubmers of reports in the ERP Tools and Analytics catalog Content (required): We are trying to identify the frequency and usage of report…Marko Puskac 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Marko Puskac Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Need PVO details for PER_ROLES_DN? Not able to find one in BICC mapping to Finance/HCM listSummary: I am looking BICC Tag for PER_USER, PER_USER_ROLES , PER_ROLES_DN HAve found following for PER_USER and PER_USER_ROLES and not for PER_ROLES_DN HcmTopModelAnaly…Antony P Patrick -Oracle 110 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Nathan CCC Reporting and Analytics for ERP
A SQL query of privileged resources in the role FSD sectionSummary: Hi All, Can anyone share a SQL query on how to retrieve privileged resources? inside the role of the FSD section oracle provides information about the privilege…
Is there a function to get lookup meaningsSummary: I am creating a report and the users require the displayed values for the lookups, I know I can do multiple links to the fnd_lookup_values_vl view (see code sni…
API to run financial reportSummary: We have the following query, we need to call a financial report using a web service, we have tried using the WSDL (/xmlpserver/services/ExternalReportWSSService…
Print Receivable Transaction not generating output for Intercompany invoicesSummary: Print Receivable Transaction not generating output for Intercompany invoices Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Why Print Re…Venkatesan 13 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Eain Cathcart-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we restrict jobs based upon roles?Summary: Hi Team, We are looking for a possible solution which might help us to satisfy the below requirement Step 1: A Custom roles to be created and assigned to a user…Dileep Varanasi 20 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dileep Varanasi Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Creating BIP Reports via SOAP WebserviceSummary: Creating BIP Reports via SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 1)Can we create a BIP data model and report dynamically …Kishore S-Oracle 387 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Sudhan Reporting and Analytics for ERP
Ability to restrict access to specific FAH Subledger tables for creating new data modelSummary: Ability to restrict access to specific FAH Subledger tables for creating new data model. This is needed to restrict personal information which is coming from so…
Required Tables that stores min-max values for Replenishment planningSummary: As part of report development, we required min-max values for Replenishment planning. Please provide the details of tables that has to be used to derive the val…