Business Object Validation Rule
Business Object Validation Rule producing bizarre results.Content
I need help. I hope this makes sense.
I have a business object configuration where one business object connects to four other business objects as follows:
TransactionHeaders >------------------------------------------- TsFundAttributes
TransactionHeaders >------------------------------------------- BudgetLevels
TransactionHeaders >------------------------------------------- TsLines
TransactionHeaders -------------------------------------------< TransactionLines
Here are the related fields for this relationship:
TransactionHeaders >------------------------------------------- TsFundAttributes
--reftreasuryAccountSymbol refTreasuryAccountSymbol (also reference field)
--reffundValue fundValue
I am writing a business rule to validate the following:
The combination of the two fields in TransactionHeaders exists in TsFundAttributes
I created a validation rule on the TransactionHeaders BO as follows:
Please note the validation rule is based on TransactionHeaders but the view object is TsFundAttributes. I don’t know if that is a problem but I did review the groovy documentation and tried a number of configurations all not working.