How to set preferences variables in oracle JET
How to set preferences variables in oracle JETContent
While integrating Oracle MAF with Oracle MCS, Authorization variables like Mobilebackend Id,Anonymous Id are given by end user.They were actually given as preference variables.
This is the MAF Application where end user can manually set the Mobile Cloud Service Settings.Likewise ,how can I do the same in oracle JET ?
Whether I have to create global variables and assign them in below part?
var mcs_config = { "logLevel": mcs.LOG_LEVEL.INFO, "logHTTP": true, "mobileBackends": { "MyJETApp": { "default": true, "baseUrl": "", "applicationKey": applicationkey, "authorization": { "basicAuth": { "backendId": "e53739ff-bea5-4250-8cf4-967798cbd497", "anonymousToken": "UE1FTkFCTEVGRUIxN19QTUVOQUJMRUZFQl9NT0JJTEVfQU5PTllNT1VTX0FQUElEOkxpdjB3YXpwcy55ZDZn" } } } } };