HspNumToString Issue With Variables
HspNumToString Issue With VariablesContent
= "ACCREC"->@MEMBER(@HspNumToString(YrPrPer))->@MEMBER(@HspNumToString(PrPeriod))->"Location"->"Department"->"MgtRpt";
This statement doesn't work when the variable PrPeriod is a period number(1-12) and the same period is not in the FIX. The period dimension outline members are Jan-Dec with aliases of 1-12 for same. For example if the PrPeriod variable is set to 12(to get the previous period value) and Jan is the only period in the FIX, the statement above will not return a value. The reason is that @HspNumToString won't resolve the value 12 unless Dec is in the FIX. The problem is that Dec cannot be in the fix.