Add Zero Rate to the Intercompany Payables Invoice
Need to add Zero Tax Rate to the I/C Payables InvoiceContent
We need to write Tax Rules to create put Zero / Exempt Rate on the Intercompany Invoices. We need some assistance on writing the Tax Determination Factor Set, as the Factor Class "Transaction Generic Classification" has only 2 Values "Transaction Type" and "Transaction Business Category".
And since the Payables Intercompany invoices are Standard Transactions types, we are limited with the option to identify a Transaction as Intercompany as opposed to Receivables (where the transaction type will be Intercompany).
We identified 2 Columns as Source and Line level Business Category for identifying, however we could not translate that as a Determining Factor. Please help us in identifying the factors that can be used to create a rule to identify I/C transaction for Payables.