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HCM HR/Payroll Approval Reminder Emails
My task is to send out emails to assignees that they have pending HR/Payroll approvals on Wednesday and Friday mornings. I wrote a data model containing this data:
SELECT DISTINCT txnh.module_identifier Process_Category,
wft.creator Requestor_ID,
wft.assignees Current_Assignee,
decode(NVL(SUBSTR(wft.assignees, 0, INSTR(wft.assignees, ',')-1), wft.assignees),
'Compensation_Manager', '',
(Select pea.email_address
From per_all_people_f papf,
per_email_addresses pea
Where 1=1
and sysdate between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date
and pea.person_id(+)=papf.person_id