I have to update the a staging table with the values from the input file. I have to run the following query in AIC.
UPDATE staging_table
SET active_flag = :active_flag
,last_update_date = SYSDATE
,last_updated_by = :user_name
WHERE target_value1 = :target_value1
AND NVL(active_flag,'Y') <> :active_flag
AND NVL(target_segment1, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment1, 'DEFAULT')
AND NVL(target_segment2, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment2, 'DEFAULT')
AND NVL(target_segment3, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment3, 'DEFAULT')
AND NVL(target_segment4, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment4, 'DEFAULT')
AND NVL(target_segment5, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment5, 'DEFAULT')
AND NVL(target_segment6, 'DEFAULT') = NVL(:x_segment6, 'DEFAULT')