OIC Agent Installation - UnknownHostException from DbaaS server
OIC Agent Installation - UnknownHostException from DbaaS serverContent
We had followed https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/integration-cloud/integrations-user/index.html and installed agent on the dbaas server by connecting opc user.
It was working well, suddenly we noticed the agent went down and when we tried to restart the agent, it failed with error -
Client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.UnknownHostException: <xxxx>.integration.ocp.oraclecloud.com
It seems it is not able to connect to oic_URL. If I follow the same steps on my local machine, the agent starts successfully.
As we need to keep the agent running in background from a server for all-time availability, can anyone provide some suggestion to overcome the issue? I hope a separate proxy server is not required as all the components belong to same cloud account.