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Offboarding Checklist Tasks
Allocating checklist tasks based on last day of the current active assignmentContent
Our current configuration is to send all checklist tasks (onboarding and offboarding) as the time that the transaction is approved. However, we are exploring the option to allocate offboarding checklist tasks x days before the last day of the current active assignment, since some of our employee's have to give +3 months notice we want the tasks to be allocated more timely.
I thought i might be able to use the offset days to achieve this, but having read further i think the offset days will only determine WHO the checklist should be allocated to on that day. So, for example, setting the offset days for Manager Change tasks at -2 days and + 2 days would only identify who the line manager was two days before the action and two days after the action, this doesn't determine WHEN the checklist task is allocated.