EPM Cloud - DB Encyrption Keys questions
EPM Cloud - DB Encyrption Keys questionsContent
With the September release the EPMAutomate commands/REST API to deploy their own key was added, and documented for EPM Cloud components ( as below).
a) EPMAUtomate - setEncryptionKey and setManualDataAccess commands added
b) REST APIs - https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/enterprise-performance-management-common/prest/lcm_set_encryption_key.html
However we have the questions on the same, needing more details.
1. Is there any impact on activating this, i.e. when activated/key is set, is there a performance hit as the system needs to re-encrypt the database ?
2. What is the support impact on using this, if RBS raises an SR does this mean RBS has to either reset the key or release the key to Oracle before any access to the database can occur ?