How to lookup a value in one xml (in a stage file) based upon some key from a WS called before
How to lookup a value in xml from a dynamic keyContent
I have a requirement which is to look for a value in an stage file (xml), using as a key another tag returned from a web service called before.
I'm using this in the mapping:
$ReadFileFlete/nsmpr9:ReadResponse/nsmpr13:DATA_DS/nsmpr13:G_1[nsmpr13:SOURCE_LINE_ID = ../nsmpr2:SourceTransactionLineIdentifier]/nsmpr13:VALOR_FLETE
Where the ../nsmpr2:SourceTransactionLineIdentifier has a value, and that value exists in the file as SOURCE_LINE_ID.
When I try to execute it with a hardcoded value instead of ../nsmpr2:SourceTransactionLineIdentifier, the value is returned.