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Change the Inventory Organization in Open PO

edited Nov 10, 2019 2:20AM in Purchasing 5 comments


Change the Inventory Organization in Open PO


Many customers want when they issue PO (Approved PO) they can edit it and update the receiving inventory organization. this is very common due to many reasons, one of them is; warehouse capacity issue. Currently, in Oracle Purchasing Fusion, we can't do it. Does anyone face the same issue? The workaround available and suggested by Oracle engineers is:

split the schedule in the PO
change the org to the new schedule
have all quantity for the new org in this new schedule"

This workaround is not correct because; you can't delete the old schedule or put zero in the quantity field. The only option here is to cancel the old schedule but you must go to the PO line quantity and double it to make it equal to the new schedule and the old canceled schedule quantities 


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