Discussion List
Knowledge Article: Update 21A How to Create & Submit a Change Order using the Oracle Visual BuilderSummary How to Create & Submit a Change Order using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Content Oracle Purchasing Cloud is rolling out an excel template that uses…
Enabling Redwood for Purchase OrdersSummary: We've gone through the 25A docs to find the required Redwood Purchase order function. Redwood Page for Purchase Orders Enabled for Purchasing (ORA_PO_PURCHASE_O…
Knowledge Article: Update 21A How to Create, Update and Submit a new Purchase Order using the OracleSummary How to Create, Update & Submit a new Purchase Order using the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel Content Fusion Procurement Purchasing Cloud is rolling out a…
Knowledge Article:Create & Update Purchase Order & Change Order with Project DFF using Oracle VBCSSummary The Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel integrates Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with REST services to retrieve, analyze, and edit business data from the servi…Sireesha Peddibhotla-Oracle 1.8K views 51 comments 2 points Most recent by Yuandi Jin-Oracle Purchasing
Purchase order's CO (edit RDD or PDD) updating the Last_updated fields of other linespurchase order’s CO (edit RDD or PDD) of an actual line not updating the Last_Updated field of that line but for other lines?. We checked in the PO_Lines_All and PO_Line…
SupplierCommunicationMethod field in Payload for Purchase Order SOAP Web ServiceSummary: SupplierCommunicationMethod field in Payload for Purchase Order SOAP Web Service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): What values ca…
How do we TEST OBN Invoices and POI have currently configured all the OBN related configs and trying to test the POs outbound and Invoices Inbound. Could someone share details on how/where do we test the…
Redwood Manage Purchase Orders missing withdrawSummary: Redwood Manage Purchase Orders missing withdraw as in faces Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Redwood PO Withdraw missing Faces UI …
Need to populate the custom field created on item level to the purchase order line levelSummary: Here the requirement is as below, Requirement: One field should be created at the item master level named "Mandatory List (ML)" with LOVs are YES/NO. And this f…
what are the accounting entries when a PO tied to P-card is received and is there a way to automaticSummary: Hi Experts, We have a client for which we are implementing P-cards. Could you please confirm what are the accounting entries when P-card related POs are receive…
How to Remove Purchase Order attachment from order confirmation request emails sent to SupplierTo my understanding, a confirmation request email is sent to the supplier when E-mail is the chosen Communication Method for a purchase order as in Screenshot 1. When th…
Searching suppliers using qualifications in negotiationsSummary: Dears, We tried to search suppliers using qualifications in negotiations but we didn't get anything. Check images below. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
How to include ship date in purchase order lineSummary: As part of their business process, they want to add a ship date at the purchase order line to enter the field while creating the purchase order. Content (please…
Webservice (REST/SOAP) to update Blanket Purchase Agreement DFF at the header levelSummary: We have a requirement to update the Descriptive Flexfields (DFF) at the header level of BPA. I see there is SOAP service available for BPA but don't see the DFF…
Process Requisition PO currency default sequenceRequester created PR with foreign currency like USD. However, buyer turn this into PO and find the "Add to document builder" default currency = GBP. Do you know why? Wha…
Restrict access for Requesters / Buyers based on Department / CCSummary: Is there a way to restrict Requesters' / Buyers' access to Requisitions / POs based on their departments or cost centers. Content (please ensure you mask any co…
Is there a way to round up the decimal quantities on auto generated PO lines?Summary: How can we prevent the decimal quantities on the PO lines Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a requirement wherein clien…
Automatically derive project related information when creating a purchase orderWhen a user manually creates a project-based purchase order, they must manually select the project number, task number, expenditure type, expenditure organization, and e…
How can we mass update the Default Buyer in Configure Procurement Business Unit FunctionAs per the business requirement, there are 200+ BU in the instance. However, we had missed to the load the 'Buyer' name in 'Configure Procurement Business Function' or a…
25A New Feature Question Configure the Maximum Change Order Sequence Number for Purchasing DocumentsSummary: We would like to understand more about this new update from 25A. Business has similar POs which contain more than 1000 COs but don't see the issue with reviewin…
Sold to Legal Entity and Document Number greyed out - Communicate Purchasing DocumentSummary: Need to send the series of PO to suppliers. At the moment Sold to Legal Entity and Document Number fields are unable to enter data. Content (please ensure you m…
Redwood: Manage Purchase Orders Invoice HoldsSummary: In the Redwood Manage Purchase order forms a new section is available showing PO Holds. Was anyone able to get this working? Content (please ensure you mask any…
Purchase Order Event Filter ExpressionSummary: Purchase Order Event Filter Expression Error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have written a filter expression based on Match Ap…
How to Enable CC and BCC communication method in POSummary: How to enable the CC and BCC to attached secondary recipients in the PO Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The procurement offering …
PO getting rejected, despite it has been approved by approverSummary: PO is approved by all participants, shows completed in transaction consol as well. No error is seen, still the PO is rejected. This issue is urgent, kindly help…Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle 6 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Priyaranjan Jamuar-Oracle Purchasing
Update Expenditure Item date in Edit lines refresh next immediate Project attributesWe have Project Attributes like Project, task, Expenditure Org etc. as read only at the PO line, schedule and Distribution level. The user when they update Expenditure i…
Is there a way to attach attachments using REST/SOAP API in change orderHi team We have a need to attach files to OPEN Purchase Orders.So we need to do a change Order by REST or Web Service to attacht these files. We are using changePurchase…
Manage Orders screen - Filter by PO header DFF valuesSummary: Our customer uses Oracle Purchasing Cloud to create and manage their Purchase Orders. We enabled a DFF on the PO header level, and the customer asked about the …
PO Header DFF default not workingSummary: We have created a PO Header DFF with Table Type value set. This Table Type value set is fetching the supplier site of the PO. Now we have a requirement to defau…
Auto Approve change order for some attributesSummary: The customer is requesting to aut approve change ordes when changes are some of those fileds: PO HEADER Supplier Contact Communication Method Communication Emai…