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HCM Communicate
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Is it possible to inactivate or end date an HCM Group ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, Is it possible to inactivate or end date an HCM Group ? We do realize that the employee's…
HOw to select a course in the Learning item field for a Promote Learning campaign in Communicate ?Summary: The problem is that the search bar only displays the first 25 courses (and not specialization as indicated) and there is no ‘search’ option to choose another on…
Oracle HCM Cloud Announcements - New alert when the user creates a new Event, article or insightSummary: Hello everyone, Our user has decided to use the Announcements feature to communicate updates, announce events, and publish articles related to the company, in o…
Unable to get scheduled process export for HCM communicate email delivery outputWe are working in a Dev environment testing email delivery via the HCM Communicate module and are unable to find/access the output in the scheduled processes work area o…
Does Oracle support 10 DLC for SMS messagingWe have a requirement where, the client needs to enable 10 DLC functionality rather than using a short code so that their recruiters can easily identify and access their…
Bulk Download of Documents in Approval Notification - Is It Possible?In our current process, when employees submit requests for work permit renewals, they upload multiple documents (e.g., Labor Card, Resident Visa, Emirates ID). Once the …
add absence access deniedI Created absence elements, absence plan and absence type. I added it to user and it's appear when I login by his user and try to add absence from Me —- > add absence. I…
HCM Communicate - Token with Known AsWe need to have a token for 'Known As' in Communicate, and if there is no 'Known As' filled, it should use 'First_Name'. Alternatively, this condition can be handled dir…
Learning Link page is not working in Promote Learning CampaignSummary: When we click learning link in communicate email of Promote Learning Purpose then It should go directly to learning item but it's creating issue and asking to g…
How to Resolved a 'The top organization doesn't belong to the organization hierarchy error'Summary: Trying to process HDL for Area of Responsibility. The file will import successfully but the Load errors with: The top organization doesn't belong to the organiz…
Need Oracle fusion REST API for EmployeesSummary: We are trying to pull Oracle Fusion ERP data via REST API. We are able to successfully pull all employee related data apart from the below mentioned fields. - S…
Seeking guidance on configuring SMS communication in Oracle Fusion HCM.I am looking for information on how to set up SMS communication within Oracle Fusion HCM. Specifically, I need to know if there are steps or configurations required for …
Hiring mangerhow a hiring manager cannot have access for 2 phases and recruiter has all phases and states, later HM should not be able to edit offer but he/she should be able to crea…
Need a HSDL Template for Line Manager changeHi Team, We need a Line Manager Change HSDL template. 24C
subject in transaction console for talent profile approval - to modifySummary: hello, we have an issue with name of transaction for Talent profile. that's mean - when the record has displayed in transaction console, in the "Name" field the…
How to update the username from numeric employee code to the employee name?Summary: We notice that currently in the 'Manage Users' screen, the username is the user's employee code assigned by the organization. Is it possible to update this nume…
HCM Communicate - Can you increase the width of the entire emailSummary: HCM Communicate - Can you increase the width of the entire email Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
Disability form for Canada countryHi Team, On Navigation to Me > Personal Information > Personal Details > Disability Info > Click on "+ Add" On Selection Country as USA/United Kingdom/ Ireland Result - …
Is there way to limit user from applying multiple absences request for one type of absence per year.Summary: Our goal is to restrict the user to only making 5 requests per Gregorian year for one of the leave types, regardless of the leave balance. Example: Working from…
What are the equivalents of CONTINUE and NULL in Fast Formulas compared to PL/SQL?I'm looking for a way to bypass the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next one, similar to how CONTINUE works in other languages. Please suggest an equivale…
Absence Status should be displayed as Expired for the after approval expirationSummary: Absence record status showing as Denied for Both the conditions Expired and Denied. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Customer is l…
Can extract run multiple run on same time stampSummary: We have the timestamp in the extract output file name. This will help in distinguish the different run and their output. Is it possible that the extract is sche…
Learner does not see the recommended course in Me> Learning> BrowseLearning Admin has created a recommendation to an employee. However the Learner does not see the recommended course in Me> Learning> Browse. Neither in Featured nor in r…
How user can have both read only roles and Write access rolesSummary: Can a user have few roles in read only mode and few other roles (example: Expense submission, Goal setting etc) in Write mode. FND_READ_ONLY_MODE profile option…
DeprovisioningI read around the forum that deprovisioning is opposite of role mapping we have implemented for provisioning. Thus, if we have a user that meets criteria then they recei…
Unable to select "Manage SMS Configuration" in setup and maintenance areaSummary: Looking to understand what is required from Twilio to set up SMS communications. I have tried accessing the Manage SMS Communications page as noted in documenta…
how to exclude weekend in time ruleshi, There's a time rule with WFM_PERIOD_MINIMUM_TIME_ENTRY_RULE_AP formula which is used to restrict hours daily in timecard, but we just want to perform this time rule …
Seniority dates fast formula parameter no value transferredSummary: Seniority date fast formula parameter - PREVIOUS_SENIORITY_EXIT_DATE gets no value Content (required): I Migrated the system from V2 to V3 Seniority dates using…
Redwood Impact Assessment Spreadsheet availabilitySummary: During several Redwood trainings and Oracle presentations, there have been mention of a spreadsheet call 'Impact Assessment'. On one call it was asked to have t…
Table or query to extract role_category_nameSummary: I need a table to add the column "role Category name" in the BI Report. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the vers…