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Discussion List
OCI: /var/log/messages log messages generates only a single line ,no new lineApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: OCI Linux instance (OL8) /var/log/messages log messages generates only a single li…
OCI: Oracle Linux Instance Stops With “reboot: Power down” After BootApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and laterLinux x86-64 Symptoms System stops immediately after booting: [[0;32m OK [0m] Stopped Monitoring of LVM2 m…
Useradd and usermod fail to flush the sssd cache with DB version too old for domain implicit_filesApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms After sssd upgrade, useradd and usermod fail to flush the sssd cache with "DB version too…
OCI- yum update Fails with [Errno 14] curl#7 - "Failed connect to 10.x.x.x:80; Connection refused"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms Server is trying to access a local YUM repository but is unable to connect to it due to a Connection refused. #…
How to Test Port[TCP/UDP] Connectivity from a Linux ServerApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Goal Procedure to check port [TCP/UDP] connectivity from a Linux server Solution Telnet and nc are common tools used…
OSMH: Instance Configuration Failed With Error “Invalid Managed Instance archType”Applies To: OS Management Hub (OSMH) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Symptoms OSMH Instance registration failed with error: ERROR: failed to update managed instance: Error r…
OCI: Latest Installed Kernel Fails to BootApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Instance fails to boot after updating to the latest UEKR7 kernel. The console log s…
OCI - How to Change UUID of NetworkManager Connection ProfileApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Goal There is a need to change the UUID of a NetworkManager connection profile. SOLUTION It is possible to generate …
OCI: Autonomous Linux Patching Fails due to conflicts with Firefox PackageApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.9 and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Autonomous Linux patching fails with following error file /usr/bin/firefox from install …
OSMH: How To Add Oracle Linux 7 Extended Linux Support Software Sources in OSMHApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management Hub (OSMH) Goal This document explains how to subscribe Oracle Linux Extended Support yum channels on Oracle Linux …
OL8: SSH User Session and Process Killed “systemd-logind: Session of user <user> is idle, stopping"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms On Oracle Linux 8, SSH sessions of users and their processes are killed automatical…
e2fsck complains that either super block or partition table is corrupt.Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms: While doing a file system check using 'e2fsck', it complains as follows : bash-3.2# e2fsck /dev/mapper/vg_…
Message "audit: kauditd hold queue overflow" is reported during boot”Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms: The following message appears during boot while using the boot parameter audit=1:[ 5.563805] audit: kaudit…
OSMH Custom Software Source Creation Fails with no Error on Console “Invalid parameter packages"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms Creation of OSMH custom software source (CSS) or versioned custom …
A quick way to add additional RSA public keys for authenticationAPPLIES TO: Linux OS - Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 8 and Oracle Linux 9. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and on premises. Linux x86-64 GOAL: Add additional RSA public keys …
Pip install fails after upgrade from OL7 to OL8APPLIES TO: Linux OS – Version Oracle Linux 8 Linux x86_64 on Oracle Public Cloud, on-premises SYMPTOMS: Pip install fails with: pip install pycrypto==Traceback (most re…
OCI: Extend Root Filesystem In Rocky LinuxApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Rocky Linux x86_64 Goal: Extend the boot volume and partition for Rocky Linux to 100GB Current size 50GB: # df -h Filesystem Size…
OCI: How To Run a Filesystem Check On A Boot VolumeAPPLIES TO Linux OS – Version Oracle Linux 8 and Oracle Linux 9 Linux x86_64 on Oracle Public Cloud GOAL Run a file system check on another OCI Linux server’s boot volum…
OCI - How to Avoid the Prelogin Messages on SSH Session: ssh opc@x.x.x.x “\S Kernel \r on an \m"APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux x86_64 SYMPTOMS: When using ssh to log in to a server, the following messages are showing before password prompt. lo…
OCI: How To Install Tomcat on Oracle LinuxApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Goal Steps for installing Tomcat and Apache on Oracle Linux Solution For Oracle C…
Yum OPENSSH Package Upgrade Fails with Error“unpacking of archive failed on file”Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Unable to update openssh-client & openssh-server packages and it reports error “unp…
How to Configure setroubleshoot to Receive e-mail Reports for SELinux AVC DenialsApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Goal How to configure setroubleshoot to receive e-mail reports for SELinux AVC denials. Solution What is setroubleshoot?…
OCI : Docker Service Failing To Start After Leapp Upgrade from OL7 to OL8Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Docker service Start Failing with below error [root@xxxx ~]# systemctl status docke…
OCI: Is it Possible to Perform Oracle Linux Leapp Upgrade to a Specific Minor VersionApplies To: OracleCloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Question Is it possible to perform a Leapp upgrade to a specific minor version, i.e. OL7.9 to…
OCI: Instance Stuck at Boot Showing TianoCore LogoApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later All Platforms Symptoms: Instance is unreachable and rebooting it does not restore access. Instance detail…
OCI – How To Open Network Ports in UbuntuApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Goal: In OCI Ubuntu instances (image Ubuntu-22.04) opening anetwork port in UFW don’t work. Solution: Note: Ubuntu i…
OCI – Error Updating Package tuned-profiles-oci-2.22.1-4.0.1.el8_10Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Oracle Linux 8 Symptoms While performing a dnf update, the following error occurs: Error: Problem: packag…
How to Determine Which User or Process is Mounting or Unmounting Devices Using auditdApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux OS Question How to determine which user or process is mounting or unmounting devices using the auditd service? Solut…
Oracle Linux: How to Update the glibc Package on Oracle Linux 8Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux 8 Goal: Ensure the glibc package is updated correctly on Oracle Linux 8. Solution: 1. Enable Required Repositories T…
OCI : Network Service Fails To Start with Error "No such file or directory" and "command not found"Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Oracle Linux x86-64 Goal To start the network service successfully without failure Symptoms Below error i…
OCFS2-"Checking O2CB cluster "ociocfs2": Offline" is not coming online.Summary: HI Team, We are setting up OCFS2 on OCI Console Compute instance having oel 8 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.10 (Ootpa) but somehow Cluster is not coming o…
Oracle Linux yum/dnf Diagnostic GuideApplies To: Oracle Linux 8 and 9 Goal: This is a guide to diagnose common YUM/DNF problems. Solution: Known problem and solution for DNF/Yum. DB Corruption Refer to disc…
OCI: OSMH Plugin not available “Plugin OS Management Hub Agent not present for instance ocid”Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management Hub (OSMH) Symptoms Oracle Cloud Agent or OS Management shows OS Management Hub agent not available for an existing…
Oracle Linux - Unable To Access Samba Share Due To Kerberos "Preauthentication failed"APPLIES TO Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.9 and later Linux x86-64 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SYMPTOMS Unable to access samba share from Linux instance where the beh…
OSMH: Setting Up Dependency Jobs in OS Management HubAPPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management Hub (OSMH) GOAL Explain job dependency limitations in OSMH. SOLUTION OS Management Hub does not currently support di…
OSMH: The Update Job Fails “Job marked as FAILED by service - timeout 24 hours waiting IN_PROGRESS"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms While performing patching of an instance through OSMH, the job fails with below error. Job marked as FAILED…
OCI- Kdump service is not starting in an Oracle Linux 8 System when secure boot enabledAPPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS Kdump service failed and is not starting up in an Oracle Linux 8 System when secure boot enabled on the system $…
OCI: Kdump Service Fails to Start on Oracle Linux 8 ServerAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms kdump service fails to start with the following error messages. [root@xxxxx ~]#systemctl status kdump ● kdump.s…
Oracle Linux - How to troubleshoot NFS mount timeout?APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS When attempting to mount an NFS share, the connection times out or says no route to host. Example: mount.nfs: m…
OSMH: The Jobs Failing With [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found Trying Other Mirror.APPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux OSMH SYMPTOMS While migrating from OSMS to OSMH, the jobs are failing with below error. $ yum repolist Loaded plugins…
OCI: Yum Update fails due to Incorrect Plugin ConfigurationApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Unable to perform yum update due to legacy configurations in place. $ sudo yum upd…
osmhSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
OCI: Unable To Update kernel-uekApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms Performing command to update only kernel-uek does not do anything $ sudo yum update kernel-uek Dependencies…
OSMH: High CPU usage for Windows osmh ProcessApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Windows 2016 and Above Symptoms There is a high CPU load on the OSMH managed instance. The top 10 CPU hog…
OCI : YUM Command Fails with Error “No module named sqlitecachec”Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms The below error is seen while running the dnf update command. [root@xxxx]# yum Ther…
OCI: SELinux Unable to relabel filesystemApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Unable to login to the instance due to issues with selinux labels. Multiple "avc: denied" messages detecte…
PV versus iscsiHi Team, Can some one help us yo verify whether our storage is iscsi or PV from below output. [root@restore ~]# dmesg | grep -i iscsi [ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAG…
OCI Linux: Not Able Access Instance due to /etc Directory Permission Change (chmod -R 777 /etc)Applies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.9 and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: /etc directory permission was accidentally changed to 777 by running command below and u…
Oracle Linux: Resolving VM Hang Due to Memory Exhaustion Caused by Fluentd OOM ErrorsApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms: The VM became inaccessible via PuTTY/SSH and appeared to hang. Critical processes (such as SSSD for authentica…
OCI: Mounting NFS Filesystem Fails With Error "mount.nfs No such device."Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms: Unable to mount NFS share, getting this error: # mount x.x.x.x:/NFS/Share /mountpoint -vvv ... mount.nfs: time…
restoring block volme to new serverHi Experts, This is a compute machine having OracleLinux 8 version of os. We have a created a block volume from block volume backup. We are attaching it to new instance …
Grub passwordSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Autonomous Linux patching fails with error ”fork/exec /usr/bin/ksplice: no such file or directory:”Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management Hub(OSMH) Autonomous Linux Symptoms: Autonomous Linux patching fails with following error in OSMH failed job log fo…
OSMH:Unable to Update Packages on OCI OS Management Hub Instance using OCI CLI commandsApplies To: Service: OS Management Hub (OSMH) Version: N/A and later Platform: Linux x86-64 Symptoms When attempting to update packages on an instance using the OCI CLI …
Linux: How To Authenticate docker/Podman CLI Using Auth Token Feature in Oracle Container RegistryApplies to: Linux OS Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Goal This document provides details about Auth Token feature in Oracle Container Registry and how to generate, delete et…
cannot install bothSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Linux: Resolving "/lib64/ version 'GLIBCXX_3.4.xx' not found" ErrorApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-64 Symptoms: When attempting to install or run an application, you may encounter errors similar to the following: /lib6…
Oracle Linux - leapp upgrade fails with "Error: conflicts with file from package"Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux 7 Symptoms: leapp preupgrade completed successfully but leapp upgrade fails with the following messages: Error: Tran…
Linux: Installing 3rd Party Package Fails with Missing Dependency Errors for To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux ARM64 Symptom Installing a 3rd party RPM package in Oracle Linux 7 OCI instance results in dependency errors: $ rpm …
Oracle Linux : Re-configuring Curl to Use OpenSSL Instead of NSS on Oracle Linux Servers.Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Goal: This document outlines the support status of Curl usage with OpenSSL instead of NSS on Oracle Linux servers. S…