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Discussion List
Oracle Linux - leapp upgrade fails with "Error: conflicts with file from package"Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux 7 Symptoms: leapp preupgrade completed successfully but leapp upgrade fails with the following messages: Error: Tran…
Linux: Installing 3rd Party Package Fails with Missing Dependency Errors for To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux ARM64 Symptom Installing a 3rd party RPM package in Oracle Linux 7 OCI instance results in dependency errors: $ rpm …
Oracle Linux : Re-configuring Curl to Use OpenSSL Instead of NSS on Oracle Linux Servers.Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Goal: This document outlines the support status of Curl usage with OpenSSL instead of NSS on Oracle Linux servers. S…
Unable to login to Linux/Ubuntu using SSH Don't have SSH KeysSummary: Having trouble logging into Linux/Ubuntu using SSH. I no longer have access to my laptop that had the SSH keys. Tried to follow "Oracle Linux – How to set up a …
OCI: How to Locate OPC Request ID in OCI Console for Issues TroubleshootingApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal: This document explains the steps to locate the OPC request ID in the …
Oracle Linux - Leapp Upgrade Fails due to python3-pyasn1-0.3.7-6.el8.noarch packages conflictApplies to: Oracle Linux 7 Symptoms: Oracle Linux 7 to Oracle Linux 8 Leapp Upgrade Fails due to python packages conflict. Leapp upgrade report shows: Risk Factor: high …
Oracle Linux - ssh_genkeytypes set to null in /etc/cloud/cloudApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Symptoms: While performing an update by executing sudo yum update this message is shown: warning: /etc/cloud/cloud.c…
How to Use top Command to Check Swap UsageApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Goal: This document outlines the steps required to use the top command to check swap usage f…
OCI : How To Manually Install Oracle-Cloud-Agent on Ubuntu InstanceApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Goal: This document explains steps to Install Oracle-Cloud-Agent on Ubuntu Instance. Solutio…
OCI : dnf Command Fails with Error “/lib64/ file too short”Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: Below error is seen while running the dnf update command. [root@xxxx]# dnf update …
OCI: sftp or ssh Connections Failing With "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote"Applies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms: Intermittently unable to ssh to the server. The following error shows: # ssh ssh_exchange_i…
OCI: Error Unpacking RPM Package setup-2.x.x-x.noarchApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS Symptoms: yum(1) update fails with the following message: Running transaction Updating : setup-2.x.x-x.elx.noarch Error …
OCI: OSMH Plugin Failed With Error "Plugin OS Management Hub Agent not present for instance"APPLIES TO: OS Management Hun (OSMH) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SYMPTOMS Instance OSMH Plugin failed to start with error “OS Management Hub plugin message : Plugin OS M…
OCI: The Time Stamp Recorded in the Vmcore and Reboot Log Messages Does not MatchApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: The sys command in crash utilities displays the reboot time as "DATE: Sun Oct 27 1…
OCI: How to Subscribe Oracle Linux Extended Support Yum Channels on Oracle Linux 7Applies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux Goal: How to subscribe Oracle Linux Extended Support yum channels on Oracle Linux 7 instances running on OCI. Solutio…
How To Setup Cluster NFS Service with LVM For Corosyn&PacemakerApplies to:Corosync/Pacemaker Oracle Linux 8 and 9 Goal: This Document will describe how to setup a clustered NFS service on a Corosync/Pacemaker cluster using shared st…
Oracle Linux Cloud Developer 8 compute instance image on OCI always free refuses ssh connectionSummary: Hello, I am having trouble connecting to a newly created compute instance of Oracle Linux Cloud Developer 8. I have waited about 30 minutes and still cannot con…
Oracle Linux: Resolving Missing Repositories During Oracle Linux 7 to 8 Upgrade Using LeappApplies to: Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.9 Linux x86-64 Symptoms: After running the `leapp preupgrade --oci` command, the following errors and inhibitors appear in …
OCI: OSMH Clients Not Receiving Latest UpdatesAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux OSMH SYMPTOMS Nodes managed by OSMH are not receiving latest security available patches. E.G. If a node is patched o…
Steps to changing the SSH port on Ubuntu and Oracle Linux compute instance on OCI Always Free?Summary: Attempting to change the SSH port on a newly created instance of Oracle Linux vm on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Always Free tier using the VM.Standard…
OSMH: “The registration attempt failed due to Connection reset”Applies To: OS Management Hub (OSMH) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Symptoms: OSMH On-Prem client instance registration failed with error below: # /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/ag…
OCI: YUM Commands Fail with KeyError: 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset'Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: When attempting to execute yum commands such as 'yum update -y', the following err…
Oracle Linux: Post Leapp Upgrade, Server Gets Stuck During Final Reboot.APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Oracle Linux SYMPTOMS: Leapp Pre-Upgrade and Upgrade steps where successfully completed, no errors or unexpected inhibitors repor…
nm disable on oracle linux 8Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Access :3001 UbuntuHello I can access my public ip but not publicip:3001 I attached the rules. This may be dumb because I am new but just let me know. Thanks
How install true type fonts on Oracle Linux 8 compute instance?How install true type fonts on Oracle Linux 8 compute instance?
OCI: "mount: /mnt: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'APPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 8.0 and later SYMPTOMS When attempting to mount a boot volume backup attached as an additional vo…
OCI: How to Check if DBCS is Using iSCSI or Paravirtualized StorageApplies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later Goal To verify whether a (DBCS) instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is uti…
OCI - Server Hangs Due To Third Party McAfee Module "mfe_fileaccess"APPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux OS SYMPTOMS Server hangs due to third party McAfee module "mfe_fileaccess" CAUSE Server hangs with below Call Trace from mes…
apache web serverSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…