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Discussion List
How to enable dhcpcdv6?How can I configure the DHCP client on Oracle Linux so that it will pull an IPv6 address? Network, routing and security lists are all up. "dhclient -6 enp0s3" works only…
Forwarding to a different port in the security list.Hey, On my oracle cloud subnet security list, I am trying to use an ingress rule to forward port 465 to 22. Whenever I set a source port in an ingress rule I can no long…
Generate a key file upon logging into the OPC accountSummary: If the password for our OPC account expires and needs to be changed, do we also need to regenerate the associated key file for accessing? Content (please ensure…
OCI: How to update OpenJDK Java on Oracle Linux 7 or LaterIn order to update the version of OpenJDK installed on an instance running Oracle Linux (OL) 7 or later, use the following steps: 1). Ensure the yum repository or softwa…
Oracle Linux: Installation of compat-libstdc Fails with "Unable to find a match: compat-libstdc"An application on Oracle Linux 8 requires the "compat-libstdc++-33" library, however when installing through the available yum repos: [root@hostname~]# yum install compa…
Oracle Linux: Yum Update Fails With Duplicate Package ErrorWhen trying to use yum to update packages on a system, it fails with an error such as the following: pkg.v.el7.x86_64" is a duplicate with "pkg.v1.el7.x86_64 To fix this…
OCI: Autonomous Linux Instance Configuration Failed with Error "osms flag file does not exist"Attempting to configure an Autonomous Linux Instance fails with the error "osms flag file does not exist". The OSMS Agent log shows the following errors: 2024-01-17 10:0…
OCI: Leapp Pre-Upgrade Fails With Error “Title: DNF execution failed with non zero exit code.”Attempting to run the "leapp preupgrade" command fails with the following error output: $ sudo leapp preupgrade --oci ….. Leapp Pre-Upgrade fails with error: Risk Factor…
OL8: SSH User Session and Process Killed “systemd-logind: Session of user <user> is idle, stopping"On Oracle Linux 8, SSH sessions of users and their processes are killed automatically after some time, with the following systemd-logind error seen in the logs: --/var/l…
OCI: ABRT:OL7:iscsiadm segfaults when run as non-root user and with iscsi block volumesApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms Executing the ‘iscsiadm -m session’ with the ‘orarom’ user on OL7 below fails with …
OCI: "sshd.service" fails to start on bootThe sshd.service on a linux instance fails to start on boot, with the following message is seen on the console during the boot process: Failed to start OpenSSH server da…
Pgp Encryption Not Working After OS Upgrade "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key"After upgrading a linux system from Oracle Linux 6 to Oracle Linux 8 and importing the pgp public and secret key to the upgraded server, the existing jobs which were usi…
Leapp Pre-upgrade Check Fails with "Upgrade requires links in root directory to be relative"Running a pre-upgrade check from Oracle Linux 7 to Oracle Linux 8 using leapp fails with the following error: # leapp upgrade --oraclelinux =============================…
OCI : How To Get Details of A Scheduled Job In OSMS Using the CLIIt is possible to get the details of a scheduled job in OSMS using the OCI CLI, including the "update-type" value. To get details of a scheduled job, use the oci command…
How To Create an OSMS Custom Software Source Using OCI CLI InterfaceThis document describes how to create an OSMS Custom Software Source using the OCI CLI interface (oci command). The following example shows how to set up a custom OSMS s…
Nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf reset on rebootOCI VM Oracle Linux Server 7.9 In my /etc/resolv.conf I have two instances of nameserver specified: nameserver xx.xx.x.**** nameserver xx.xx.x.**** After a reboot, the /…
OCI: Sudo Error This Account Is Currently Not Available.Applies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms sudo to root user fails with the following error: $ sudo su - This account is curre…
Limiting the use of the 'su' command to specific groups related to 'su'.I intend to create a 'wheel' group and modify permissions for groups related to 'su' command usage so that only those groups can utilize the 'su' command. Additionally, …
How to Easily Check I/O Usage by Process in LinuxApplies to: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Goal Linux systems do not generally log past I/O activity per process. It is however quite s…
OSMH: Software Source Sync failed with error "Failed writing received data to disk/application"Attempting to perform an OS Management Hub (OSMH) Software Source Sync fails with errors such as "Download failed: Curl error (23): Failed writing received data to disk/…
OSMH: File is Missing in Directory /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/osmh/stateDir/After successfully deploying the OS Management Hub (OSMH) Management Station, the file does not appear in the directory /opt/oracle/mgmt_agent/plugins/o…
Oracle Linux: rpm/yum/dnf Commands Fails with “Command failed: rpmdb open failed”Applies to: Oracle Linux - Version 7 and later Symptoms The following errors appear while using rpm/up2date/yum/dnf commands: $ sudo up2date --nox --register rpmdb: PANI…
OSMH: How to Assign/Update New Profile to Existing OSMH Managed Instance?There are circumstances in which a user may want to assign a new profile or update a profile on an instance that is already being managed by OS Management Hub (OSMH), su…
OCI: Manually created crontab missingApplies To: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: While running command “crontab -l” – no output is displayed, even though crontab w…
OCI: Leapp Pre-Upgrade Fails With Error “Title: DNF execution failed with non zero exit code.”Applies To Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux x86-64 Symptoms: $sudo leapp preupgrade --oci ….. Leapp Pre-Upgrade fails with error: Risk Factor: h…
OSMH: Instance Suddenly Goes Into Offline StatusThe OS Management Hub (OSMH) instance suddenly goes into offline status, due to the management agent service terminating unexpectedly. Trying to restart the management a…
OCI: Duplicated Account Causes SSH to Fail With the "Permission denied" ErrorAPPLIES TO: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Linux x86-6 SYMPTOMS: When connecting to an Oracle Linux system via SSH, the below error is received: $ ssh opc@e…
Unable to SSH to the OCI Instance Due to Unresponsive Iscsi Boot VolumeAPPLIES TO Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 7.0 and later SYMPTOMS: Lost access to an OCI instance and unable to ssh i…
SSH connection via JumpHost problemSummary: Dear Team, I want to connect to Remote host via Jump host my VirtualHost --> JumpHost --> RemoteHost JumpHost = ( RemoteHos…