OSMH: High CPU usage for Windows osmh Process
Applies to:
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Version N/A and later
Windows 2016 and Above
There is a high CPU load on the OSMH managed instance.
- The top 10 CPU hogs:
PS C:\ > Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.name -ne 'svchost'} | Sort-Object CPU -desc | Select-Object -first 10 | Format-Table CPU,ProcessName,Id
CPU ProcessName Id
--- ----------- --
746.515625 MsMpEng 2876
246.46875 QualysAgent 5320
168 MsSense 2868
99.875 gomon 4920
93.640625 runcommand 5180
45.1875 System 4
42.984375 Procmon64 1856
37.5625 osmh 5232
7.734375 NisSrv 4852
16.578125 unifiedmonitoring 5820
- The command output shows that the "osmh" process is showing up in the top 10 highest for CPU usage.
- The logs show that the check interval is running every 5 mins:
osmh-agent.log:2025/01/20 14:38:26.071143 win_updates_windows.go:83: [DEBUG] GetWindowsUpdateList:
osmh-agent.log:2025/01/20 14:43:35.506091 win_updates_windows.go:83: [DEBUG] GetWindowsUpdateList: