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Discussion List
My colleague Egé Edi Siva is hosting a free webinar on the upcoming EU Pay Transparency Directive"Getting ready for Pay Transparency" Tuesday 8th October @ 12 noon BST (UK) "EU employers will soon have to comply with strict new rules around pay transparency, in this…
Consolidated Resources for Market DataSummary Documentation and training for Market Data Content TOI - get acquainted with the functionality…
Total Compensation Statement: Ability to Share Statement Definitions ("Quick Start")Summary: Share Statement Definitions with your colleagues or internally. Quick start your implementation! Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Grade Step Progression Reference MaterialsSummary: Consolidated list of reference materials for Grade Step Progression & Default Salary from Grade Ladder Rates Troubleshooting Grade Step Progression Default Sala…
23D Help Center is Now AvailableSummary: 23D information has now been published to the Help Center at The following videos and guides are new for Update 23D: New Bite-Size Learning Vid…
Employee Recognition ProgramsSummary: I would like to discuss Employee Recognition Programs with customers that have already implemented these type of processes. Content (required): Employee recogni…
Supplementary information for 23A Compensation - Individual Compensation New FeaturesWe would like to share supplementary information with you regarding below 23A new features in Compensation - Individual Compensation. Please log into MOS Customer Portal…
23B New Feature Summary and What’s NewSummary: The 23B New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site:…
HCM 23D Release Readiness Published 9/1/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23D New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …
HCM Release Readiness Updates Published 6/2/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23C New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …
Supplementary information for 23A Compensation - Grade Step Progression New FeaturesWe would like to share supplementary information with you regarding below 23A new features in Compensation - Grade Step Progression. Please log into MOS Customer Portal …
New Ideas Lab and Notifications of Release Readiness PublicationsSummary: We have a new Idea’s Lab for HCM User Assistance Documentation. Our user assistance team wants to hear how we can help you learn and manage your Human resource …
23A New Feature Summary and What’s NewSummary: 23A New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site:…
Compensation Implementation Guide Now Has Table for Implementing Tasks in the Beginning of the GuideSummary: As of Update 22C all of the HCM Implementing guides now have a table at the beginning of the guide to help you get a head start on implementing the Compensation…
Possibility of generating the sign (+/-) in the amount based on the primary classification defined.Summary: Hi Team, Is there any way to generate + sign , - Sign in the Amount input value automatically while adding the ICP to employee based on the Primary Classificati…
AND operand in Rates salary basisSummary: Hi, We need to default the employees salary based on 2 condition. If employee's Location is "y" and department is "x" THEN default the salary. We are in conside…
Which dimension do you use when using Payroll Balance for Compensation Items?Content: We have created over 300 compensation items and are using payroll balances to ensure the most accurate data when validating against pay slips. We've noticed whe…
DBI for elementSummary Retrieve DBI name for elements configuredContent Experts, There are medical plans configured for employee in the benefits module- correspondingly we have employe…
Modify the seeded error message in ICP attachments sectionHi All, Is there a place where we can modify the seeded error shown in the ICP submission section when employee tires to submit the ICP without an attachment? I queried …Kiran Lakshmi Eswara Mandarapu-Oracle 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rajesh Jupudi-Oracle
Adding subcategory duplicating in printable statement for Total Compensation StatementHi Experts, I have a requirement where we need to show a pie chart for annual salary and benefits. I have added benefits as subcategory in Base pay category but due to s…
Total compensation statement - Stock graph questionWe have implemented TCS 3 years back and have stock options listed along with a graph displaying market value of unvested stocks over the years (eg 3 rows for stock opti…
workforce compensation planSummary: Hello, are there any options to provide calculations, like average, in the headlines of a defined compensation worksheet. In the screenshot you see some display…
Can we remove inactive assignments from search results on Redwood Compensation Info pageSummary: Since transitioning to Redwood Compensation Info page, Inactive Assignments are appearing in search results. How can we exclude these so they are never returned…
Evaluation multiple assignments ( including Suspended and Inactive) in a workforce compensation planSummary: Hello all, Our C&Bs have a business need to include in a workforce compensation plan all assignments ( Active,Suspended or Inactive) of an employee who has done…
Urgent - After Start Compensation Cycle process is run, the plan doesn't show upHi, I have an issue where we have run the start compensation plan cycle with all the parameters correct but after the process is done, the plan isn't showing up for a co…
Worksheet Display - Calculated Values in the Scoreboard ViewSummary: Are there any option to establish calculated fields in the worksheet head areas like the scoreboard view. In this example we have 10 workers and an allocated bu…
Redwood: Annual Salary display format issueSummary: Annual Salary is displayed as Annual Amount | salary basis frequency | FTE. Seeing an annual amount with the wording Monthly looks very confusing. Content: In R…
Alert managers to changes by someone else in the hierarchySummary: Looking for a way to alert our pay review managers if someone above them in the hierarchy makes a change to their recommendations Content (please ensure you mas…
Pay elements not displaying in ICP when already assigned to an other ICPHi, I have create the following pay element: MBO Percentage I have successfully assigned this pay element to the Individual Compensation Plan (ICP) called "Altra Retribu…
Not able to find "Assignment" when Test Eligibility Profile in WCPHi team, as mentioned in the object, I currently not able to select the "Assignment" when Test Eligibility Profile in WCP. I want to test an eligibility profile and, aft…
How to hide access to Compensation section from manager roleHi Team, With my manager's custom role, I can see the Compensation section under Quick Actions, but I don’t want to see this section. However, when I click on it, this e…
workforce compensation plan - Assignment NOT found when Test Eligibility ProfileSummary: when it comes to build a workforce compensation plan, I ran into one specific issue here. workforce compensation plan -> Plan Eligibility -> Test Eligibility pr…
Compensation Hierarchy DeterminationSummary: Need to customize Compensation Hierarchy Determination formula Content (required): Require first level in Compensation Hierarchy Determination to be based on AO…
How to validate that the element mapped in the Compensation Worksheet column is a one-off paymentSummary There is currently a Payroll Element mapped to one of the columns in our client's PIP Annual Plan Compensation Worksheet, as shown in the attached screenshot. We…
Overall Salary Element's Entry is not populated with Amount input valueSummary: Can anyone confirm whether the Overall Salary Element Entry which gets created when we choose the Rates based salary basis for an employee will be with Creator …
Workforce Compensation - Hide Manage Budget Task for Custom RoleHello experts, we are facing an issue regarding the request of hiding in workforce compensation, in the act as proxy manager page, the icon manage budget task should onl…
How to Disable All Workforce Compensation Alerts for C-Suite ExecutivesSummary: Hello, Our business is currently launching our 2024 Year-End Compensation cycle, and we have a specific requirement. Is there any Oracle-delivered functionality…
What's the best way to administer a mass % bonus increase?We've been asked to configure the capability to mass administer a percentage bonus increase across our workforce. What would be the best way to set this up in HCM? 1. On…
Assignment Category in Global model under Grouping CriteriaSummary: Unable to create Assignment Category in Global model under Grouping Criteria Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to create Ass…
Determine if the user is changing salary with the same effective date of their existing salarySummary: Hi all - can we determine if the user is changing salary with the same effective date of their existing salary? Example scenario is a user did a Promotion for a…
For rates based salary basis, salary is not getting end dated after resignation of employeeI am using the salary basis type: Salary amount is determined by rates When the employee is terminated, the salary in the 'change salary' page is not getting end dated a…
Team Compensation page leads to not enabled Change Salary pageHello! We want to enable Team Compensation Redwood page, but aren't enable to do so as this page also leads to Change Salary Redwood page. We haven't enabled Change Sala…
One Rate defaulted with UNKNOWN currency when SB changed from User to Rate basedSummary: One Rate defaulted with UNKNOWN currency when SB changed from User to Rate based Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When moving a pe…
We want Annual Salary to be entered. Entering monthly salary causes rounding issuesusers want this to be Annual Salary. But system by default asks to enter monthly salary. please advise how can we make system to allow user to enter Annual salary bcz th…