EPM Integration Agent
EPM Integration Agent not connectingContent
Dear All
I have followed the steps as per admin guide for startup parameters for configuring EPM Agent.
However, when i run the agent, it gives error as below. (in the image attached)
Below is the log file -
oracle.epm.aif.agent.server.ServerExecutor main
INFO: Parameter GROOVY_HOME is blank in startup parameter file
Parameter CUSTOM_INTERFACE_CLASS_NAME is blank in startup parameter file
Nov 11, 2019 10:30:35 PM oracle.epm.aif.agent.server.ServerExecutor main
SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character(s) in message header value: Basic Z3JlZW5jdWJlZ2xvYmFsLmphaXByYWthc2hvQGdyZWVuY3ViZWdsb2JhbC5jb206R3JlZW5jdWJl