How to use position() in map
How to use position() in mapContent
I have a requirement to use position() of an element in for-each of a map in ICS.
I mean
Eg: In Map I want to use something like this
<xsl:for-each select="$readTimeEntryFile/nsmpr0:SyncReadFileResponse/nsmpr2:FileReadResponse/nsmpr3:timeEvents/nsmpr3:timeEvent[position()>=$from and position()<$from+500]">
However I dont see how to do it in ICS mapper UI.
While I can do the same in Jdeveloper ( importing the xsl ) , I have a need to use a variable ( $from) which is defined in the process flow in ICS.
So when I import the XSLT to ICS ( after making required changes to for-each condition as above in Jdeveloper) and run the integration , I get below error