Oracle ATP connection OIC - CLOUD-0005 : Unable to establish connection. Please check connection par
1. Create Oracle ATP (without dedicated Exadata).
2. Try connecting the ATP from OIC by creating connection.
3. Gave Host name, port, Service name and security policy as JDBC over SSL, Added the Wallet Zip file with password and service name as ADMIN and password.
4. I could not establish connection. Getting below error
Unable to test connection "DEV_ORACLEATP". [Cause: CLOUD-0005]
- CLOUD-0005 : Unable to establish connection. Please check connection parameters
- Network Adapter could not establish the connection. Please check the wallet credentials and ensure database is reachable.
Do I miss anything here? Please help me with solution.
I could not connect to Oracle ATP with SQL Developer (Version 19.2). I have added Wallet and credential getting same Network timeout error.