MFT Transfer Error
MFT Transfer ErrorContent
For 1 particular Transfer-Define, MFT fails to send and the following error is logged. What could be the cause of it?
[2018-04-16T13:39:39.270+09:00] [mft_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.adapter.ftp.inbound] [tid: JCA-work-instance:FTP Adapter-364] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: e472ef44-907b-4257-9ac0-69f47cd35391-0e83814d,0] [APP: mft-app] [partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] Endpoint is deactivating, the adapter will continue pending downloads
[2018-04-16T13:39:39.271+09:00] [mft_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.adapter.ftp.inbound] [tid: JCA-work-instance:FTP Adapter-364] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: e472ef44-907b-4257-9ac0-69f47cd35391-0e83814f,0] [APP: mft-app] [partition-name: DOMAIN] [tenant-name: GLOBAL] Publisher#doPipelinePublish Failed to send message {aaaa-bbbb-cccc.} for {/a/b/c/d/send/z.csv} to Adapter Framework due to non-retriable exception